Chapter 3: My Stupid Dream

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I have a dream. A dream that is embarrassing to tell to others but nonetheless a dream. What I want to be in the future, a nurse! A chance to help people who are in need wether it is physically or mentally. There is a story about a boy who throws the starfish into the ocean so they don't die, a man comes up and asks the boy why he does that because no matter what he does he won't make a difference. The boy picks up a starfish and throws it into the ocean "I made a difference for that one" he says. It would bring me so much joy to know that I could change someone's life for the greater good. I'm funny, I can make people laugh and they say that laughter can cure anything! (Well not everything but you know what I mean). This happened a couple months ago, I was at the hospital since my aunt works as a nurse and she was almost done her shift. There was a old man who was half blind sitting near me, he is half blind and can barely make out my silhouette, he then orders me to walk him to his room. I was always told to respect elderly so I said sure. I assumed this guy was chill and we would talk about the days of his sex life or how he killed someone, you know have a bonding moment. But no, he was a douche. He would yell at me and he almost kicked me once. We got to his room and he said he would give me some money he pulled out a 1$ and a 100$ bill, I thought for a moment that I should just run, he's blind whatever but the angel on my shoulder convinced me that was not the right thing to do because Jesus wouldn't want that or whatever. So I told him that he gave me a 100$ bill and for the first time since I talked to this man he smiled at me! He said "I'm glad to know there are good kids in this world" I'm glad that he wasn't able to see me crying as he let me keep the 100$ bill. I'm such a pussy! I cry over something like this! Moral of this chapter that I'm mostly just writing to release my inner demons is that I want to help everybody!

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