Chapter 4

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Natalie POV

The pounding in my head became more severe as a substance in my chest was forced up my throat and onto the ground. I heaved every ounce of water out of my body as the headache continued to throb painfully against my forehead. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I tried to collect any fragment of memory from the incident that happened.

What is that voice I hear in the background, I thought to myself as I tried to gain any sort of feeling in my limbs. Instantly the panicked voice that I heard became clearer and I was able to make out some words, such as my name.

"Natalie! Natalie, can you hear me!"

I forced my eyelids to cooperate with me as they slowly crept open. I was vaguely aware that my body was numb and achy. Why was my body numb? I wondered.

The first blurry sight I was able to focus on had piercing green eyes and they were currently pulled inwards as they stared directly into my very being. I blinked back the water drops slipping off my eyelashes as Luke's stare never strayed from me.

Oh my god, I thought as all the memories of last night up till this moment flooded into my head. I quickly rolled over onto my side trying to regain feeling into my body, and pushed myself as far away from Luke as possible.

Luke's stare instantly turned into a glare as he watched me move away from him to what I considered was a safe enough distance.

I wanted to ask him a thousand questions as my head swarmed with them, but I could barely feel my lips as they trembled from the cold. At the same time, the feeling to run away from him and his crazy brothers washed over me, but I knew that I was safer with Luke than out in this forest by myself.

"Are you a fucking idiot?"

I stared at him. I was obviously offended, but strangely enough a small pang of guilt ran through me. I wanted to defend myself, to stand up and reason with him but I couldn't stop any part of my body from shaking long enough for me to do so. I am almost positive that my lips are blue, I thought to myself.

"Well! Are you?" Luke yelled at me once again. It was at this time when I noticed that he was dripping wet and shirtless for that matter.

Where is his damn shirt? I asked myself angrily. How am I supposed to concentrate on anything if he is shirtless?

I opened my mouth to retort but the only sound that came out was the sound of my teeth violently chattering. His glare suddenly faltered as his perfect lips frowned and his nose turned up in disgust.

I controlled my chattering long enough to squeak out one question, "Did you rescue me?"

Luke kept his glare from earlier trained on me, but didn't grace my question with an answer. I was pretty sure he rescued me from drowning, and I wanted to let him know how grateful I was that he didn't let me die.

I looked down at my clothes and whispered, "Thank you." I am not sure if he heard it or not because I was suddenly very aware that my top was transparent. I could now feel my face defrosting as my cheeks heated up in my embarrassment. I let out a gasp as I sat up and pathetically tried to cover my chest from Luke's sight.

I looked up at him and he was gritting his teeth with closing his eyes tightly, as if to block me from his vision.

Am I that disgusting to look at? I thought to myself. He can't even stand the sight of me. My blush deepened as he stood up and water droplets rolled down his body and over every curve of muscle until they soaked into the waistband of his jeans. He then turned around while commanding me very roughly, "Get up! We need to get back to OnelleMansion immediately before any other creatures catch wind of your scent."

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