Chapter 14

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It's been a solid four hours since I've been sitting out here against the same tree that Luke left me at, I thought while looking down at my wristwatch. I don't think I've moved one inch, if I'm going to be honest. Four fucking hours, and not one person came to check on me, or help me inside the mansion where it is probably warmer and safer. I looked down at my outstretched, dirty, bare legs and wrapped my arms around my entire being. It was getting cold outside and I barely had a few flimsy pieces of clothing to shield me from the treacherous weather. I really didn't think this through when I fled the mansion in the first place.

I also did take a short nap out of my own free-will. I was thinking about all the ways I could start to move and begin my journey into the mansion, but next thing I know I'm waking up from a nap.

I guess I can't be too upset because I did take a nap.

I looked up to see the sun through the trees but I noticed that it had already begun its magnificent descent behind the horizon.

What time is it again? I ask myself as I raise my wrist up to my line of sight.

6:08 p.m.


Maybe I can make it back inside in time for dinner! At that thought, my stomach growled so loudly that it almost scared me.

I took a deep breath and stood up.

I yelped so loudly as it felt like my skin was being tore off by the bark of the tree that I had been lounging against. My wound began to burn with a relentless intensity. All I could do was lean forward so no part of my surrounding wound was touching anything.

Because I had slept in that upright position and leaned against the tree, the pressure had cause some insistent bleeding to occur and the blood dried around my wound and on the tree, resulting the disturbed scar tissue to feel like my entire back was being ripped off.

Tears leaked from the corners of my eyes and I just decided to lean over until my non-injured arm hit the ground and I just laid sideways.

I began taking deep breaths to calm myself down. It hurt so bad to move. I could feel blood dripping down my back and soaking the dirt beneath me.

Why was I so helpless?

Almost instantly, the air around me felt dark and cold.

I glanced up at the sky and noticed that the sun has successfully descended and the chilly night air replaced it. I began to shiver from the temperature drop and the seriousness of this predicament began to hit me.

"Hello!" I called out to no one.

"Help me!" I pleaded to anyone.

"Somebody... anybody," I whimpered after a few minutes of no response.

I took an empowering breath and raised myself to my elbows, trying to ignore the searing pain coming from my back.

I began to soldier crawl.

A cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

My vision began to get blurry.

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