| twenty-six

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—frazzled and slightly out of breath, yoo rael manages to slip into the tiny gap between the closing doors of the express train. 

vivid, intoxicating scents of desperation, failure and effort cloud her nostrils. the crowd presses in closer, almost forming a dangerous barrier between herself and the rest of the world; carving their mistakes into her skin with every touch, push, shove. a glance here, a smirk there. a nondescript group of people with their nondescript dreams. 

she breathes in slowly. the smell intensifies. cold, straggling beads of sweat trickles down her back. behind her, somebody is whispering fiercely into their phone. their breath tickles the back of her neck. the noises heighten, lulling her towards themselves; closer, closer, closer.

she closes her eyes. in an hour, it will be over.

in an hour, it is sunlight and birds again.

ah, sweet, sweet life.

she smiles contentedly.

it is good to be alive.


corner poetry // namjoon • book four in the BTS series •Where stories live. Discover now