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I gasped as I saw what he had gotten me. It was a gold chain with cursive words written.

Ifrit. I smiled and lifted the necklace out of the box. "Thank you." I grinned so wide that it hurt. I hooked the necklace around my neck, then leaned into Mr. Ambrose.

He glanced around for a second, then kissed me. His warm lips enveloped mine, and I melted at his touch.

But it was only for a second, because (obviously), we were on a street, and I did not want to be caught. I put the box back in the bag, then I brought out the brown thing wrapped in parchment paper.

I slowly unwrapped it, afraid as to what I might find.

"Solid chocolate!!!! I squealed.

"Share with your family." Back to his cold demeanor.

Great. More fat on my derrière.

I followed Mr. Ambrose back inside to my house. "Thank you for letting me in so I could give my present. I hope you enjoy the solid chocolate I got. Good bye."

He turned and left. 6 pairs of eyes stared at me. I held up the solid chocolate. "Want some?"

Soon after Mr. Ambrose had left, another knock came on the door. I rushed to open it.

"Captain Carter!" I smiled. "What brings you by?"

"I have a present for you."

"Come in." My aunt's voice came behind me. "Lilly! Apologize for making the poor captain stand in the cold!" she admonished.

"Oh, it's fine." Captain Carter assured her. "I have some flowers for you, Lilly." He held up a bouquet.

"Thank you, Captain Carter." I accepted his bouquet. I saw him glance at my necklace. "What's an Ifrit?" he asked a noticeable frown setting over his features.

"Um, it's an Arabic word, I think, and it means something like woman devil. A friend gave it to me." I explained nervously.

"Oh." the frown set deeper. "And would this friend happen to be Mr. Rikkard Ambrose?"

"Uhh.... Yes?"
The Captain glanced around furtively, and leaned in, saying, "I won't mention what I saw. But how close are you two?"

I shook my head. "I couldn't tell you if I wanted to."
Now, how to explain to Mr. Ambrose?? That's a problem that will be solved later. I promise myself.

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