A Piece of Me is With You

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"Annie! Josh is here to say goodbye now!" my mom screamed from downstairs.

Today, my best friend of seven years, is leaving. He'll be going to California, leaving me here, in Florida. Since last night, I have been locked in my room, crying my heart out. I don't want to come out and say goodbye. I don't want to lose my best friend. I don't want him to leave. Pshh, but what can a seven year-old do?

I stood on the landing of the stairs, eavesdropping on my mom's conversation with Josh and his family. I hear sniffling and crying.

"I hope we'll see each other again very, very soon. Remember, we said that our children would get married to each other one day," my mom joked. "Oh my god, time flies by so fast. I remember when we gave birth at the same day and we were in the same hospital room. It feels like yesterday they got married at the backyard in over-sized clothing with stuffed toys as guests," my mom said sobbing but chuckling at the memory at the same time.

"I know. Look at them, they're already seven! And we'll be moving to Los Angeles," Marie, Josh's mom said.

"Mrs. Lockhart? Where's Annie?" Josh asked. His voice sent me chills and tears gathered in my eyes.

"I'm sorry hun, she doesn't want to come down. I don't know why, but she still haven't accepted that you're leaving," my mom replied. Josh sighed.

"I understand. But, can you give this to her? Tell her to always wear it, until the day we meet again..."

One Decade Later


"Yeah mom!"

 I put my earphones back on and listened to Coldplay's Paradise. You see, two days ago we moved from Florida to Los Angeles. The house we moved to is pretty big. Somewhere in Beverly Hills? It has a basement, a pool in the enormous backyard, and a game room. Now, my mom is frantically getting everything organized. I have fixed my room, so now, I'm laying on my bed, tapping my fingers to the beat of the music.

"Hey, Anastasia. Can you help me with my room?" my brother, Patrick, said.

"Sure thing," I said rolling out of the bed, following my brother down the hallway.

After organizing my brother's room we went downstairs. Our mom was sitting on the table reading magazines. She glanced at us and patted the seats next to her. We took a seat...this better be good.

"Okay, tonight our next door neighbours will be coming for dinner. I expect you to be in your best behavior do you understand?" my mom said firmly. My brother and I nodded. "On Monday, you'll start school. Pat, Loyola Marymount University is about half an hour away from here. Annie, SoCal High is only five minutes away from here, so you can walk. Don't worry, you're not going to be alone. Our next door neighbours son goes there too. So now go get ready! They'll be here in an hour."

"Great I have two days to get ready for high school," I muttered as I walked up the stairs.


An hour later, I was dressed into an Abercrombie and Fitch skirt and a loose shirt. I put my hair in an elegant bun, like I always do. To top it off, I took the gold heart locket that Josh gave me, and fastened it on my neck. Before he left, he gave it to my mother, with a note that said that his mom and I will be the only girls in his life...no one else. In the locket, there is a picture of us when we were in born in the hospital and when we were about five. Wearing it makes me fee like a part of him is always with me. It made me smile, thinking about how much I missed him.

I heard the door open and I walked out of my room. Slowly, I descended down the stairs, trying not to make a 'grand entrance'. Nope, that's now happening. Not with MY mom.

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