What have I gotten myself into?

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*Hides in SHAME* I'm so sorry to all of you out there:( I haven't updated on this for a looooong while...like @Slim_Shady, "I update like a girl on her menstrual cycle...eww." Anyways, I'm on summer vacay!! Oh and I changed the cast..again. You decide who it is in the little creative heads of yours :) YAY!! ENJOY THIS CHAPPIE:)

I have never, I mean NEVER, felt this kind of awkwardness before.

"Hey, Austin. Do you - do you, hang out at Annie's house all the time," Natalie asked shyly, breaking the tension in the air. You see, as we - Austin, Natalie, Josh, and I - walk home, my ever-so-sweet little best-guy-friend, won't let go of my bleeding hand. But I mean hey, you never know, the bleeding might stop because MY FREAKING HAND IS LOOSING BLOOD CIRCULATION!

"Jeez, I'm sorry. I'm just worried," Austin said finally letting to of my hand.

"I said that aloud?" I asked dumbly. Josh chuckled, stifling a laugh. I shot him a murderous glare and he pretended to cough.

"Yes and yes, Natalie," Austin said smiling sweetly at her causing her to blush.

After what felt like ages, we finally reached my home. It's 4:13 right now and we don't have homework, thankfully. I turned the knob and my parents or Patrick weren't home. I sighed and took my flats off. The others followed in suit.

"So," I said drawing out the word, "what should we um, what should we do? My parents nor my brother are home yet."

"We should watch a movie," Austin suggested, "I have the Avengers illegally."

I rolled my eyes and answered him, "I guess that'll be cool. Why don't you go over to your house and get it?"

"Alright. I might take a while though. Hey Natalie, wanna help me?" Austin said. Natalie flushed. She was the color of my red sheets on my bed.

"M-me? S-s-sure...I-Er, I guess," Natalie stuttered. With that, Natalie and Austin walked next door leaving me alone. Alone with Josh. Alone with Joshua Mellark. Alone with the person I hate right now.

"I like your locket," he said softly.

"Wh-wha-what l-l-locket?" I stuttered. Smooth Annie, real smooth. His brought his left hand up to my chest, hesitantly as if asking if it's okay. I didn't move even though in my head I was screaming, PERVERT! PERVERT!.

"This one," he said barely a whisper. His eyes twinkled, remembering the past that was far, far away now. He bore his bluish-green eyes into mine. What I saw scared me.

I saw sadness, regret, guilt, and...admiration? He kept a hold on my locket as his right hand caressed my cheek leaving unwanted tingles.

Move Annie! Move, my mind was screaming out but I couldn't. My feet were planted right there by Josh, who is only a few inches away.

"I missed you so much, you know," he whispered. His minty breath tickling my skin. "I missed you more than anything."

I didn't answer. Did I miss him? Is he lying because I definitely saw him with other girls breaking his promise. Not trusting my voice, I cocked my head to the left slightly.

He continued, "When I saw you at the cafeteria, I felt all these emotions crash down on me. I felt so happy but then, but then-" 

"But then what?" I asked quietly.

"But then," he stopped. He dropped his gaze to the floor and let go of my locket. He ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair making it more sexy.

Sexy? Where the heck did I get that? I shook my head to dismiss my unwanted thoughts.

"Hey guys! We brought the Avenge-" Austin stared at us with wide eyes. I looked at him confused and then his gaze switched from Josh to me to Josh then settled on me.

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