A Musical Night

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Glancing at his wristwatch, Blaise huffed in annoyance and lengthened his strides. Searching the dungeons was pointless; Draco would never be so stupid as to stay within Slytherin territory while doing something against his friend's wishes. The blond's fascination with the flute was becoming worrying.

Grimacing in distaste, the dark-haired wizard loped up the stairs leading to the main floor and paused. Students looked at him as they passed, giving the lone Slytherin a wider berth then he probably deserved. Curling a lip at several Hufflepuffs, he continued his hunt. The main corridor was crowded, students of the various houses brushing elbows as they spoke to friends and arranged study schedules. A flash of green and silver had him crossing his fingers as he peered into an alcove.

"Do you mind?" Theodore Nott growled, raising his mouth from the lips of the Ravenclaw he'd been kissing. Quirking an eyebrow at the angered look on Blaise's face, he ignored the whimper emitted by the witch and shuffled back from her slightly. "What's wrong?"

"Have you seen Draco?" Blaise demanded, shooting a quick look at the red-faced witch. A loud whoop from down the hall had his body freezing. He looked over his shoulder and let his eyes follow the path of the small group of overly rambunctious Gryffindors, noting the direction they took so he might avoid them in the future.

"Not since Pansy yelled at him in the Common Room earlier." Theo replied casually, arms still wrapped around his witch's waist. The Ravenclaw struggled in his grip, embarrassed to have been caught snogging a Slytherin.

Groaning, Blaise stepped out of the alcove and looked around. "If you see him, tell him I'm looking for him." He muttered, sliding a hand into his pocket and checking for his wand. Fingers closing around the cool wood, he withdrew it and slid it up his sleeve. Taking one step, he stopped and glanced back at his fellow Slytherin. "By the way, Theo, I really think you can do better."

The other wizard's bark of laughter followed him down the hall, as did the witch's disgruntled yelp. Smirking at the chaos he'd probably created between the pair, he tossed a quick look into an empty classroom. Draco could literally be anywhere. Hogwarts was massive and there were many small rooms that the blond might have chosen to hide in.

Miss Norris slunk from the shadows and hissed angrily before him, long tail lashing as she narrowed her bright eyes. Blaise narrowed his own eyes and hissed at the threatening feline; curfew wasn't for another few hours. Gliding around the growling cat, he pointed a finger at her and mouthed two words, flicking his finger as if it were a wand. The cat gave one threatening hiss before vanishing back into the shadows. Peering into yet another classroom, Blaise wondered if he'd ever find the missing wizard. Arguing voices turned his head. Chewing his lip, he trotted quietly down the hall before ducking behind a stone statue.

Six students plodded by slowly, joking as they waved their brooms around, obviously miming out some incident that had occurred while they'd been playing. Their red and gold robes warned him to hold his position, to wait until they'd disappeared before beginning his seemingly hopeless quest.

"Bloody Gryffindorks." He muttered, stepping from behind the statute and brushing at his robes. The faint whisper of music had him stilling and tipping his head. "I've got you!" He mumbled in triumph, jogging slowly as he followed the call of the flute. His boots rang against the stone floor as he trotted up a flight of stairs. When the music stopped he froze and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for Draco to begin again. Fingers tapping his elbow, he smirked when the music resumed moments later. Sometimes, the blond was so very predictable.


The journal resting in Harry's hands held the three Gryffindors spellbound. Its pages were thin, the parchment a faint yellow with age. Splotches of ink marred the perfection of that which rested on the paper, as if each symbol had been written hastily lest the artist forget. In groupings of five, straight lines paraded across the pale parchment. Small musical notes dotted each line, their tails curved slightly in completion.

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