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Upon walking to the train station and slipping your T-card through the machine, you held on tight to Ichigo. The trains stations were crowded today, and you really didn’t want to have to get bunched away from the lost dog. You were even planning to handcuff the both of you together if possible.


“Ichigo.” You started, looking for the next train.

“Hai?” The innocent boy replied, not used to the crowd.

“The subway will be really crowded, and so there are chances that you or I will get lost.” You answered, facing him and his caramel eyes. “If that were to happen, per say, on the train, and I lose you the instant, get off the very next train and I’ll come looking for you. I’m sure you get those points, right?”



Ichigo tightened the grip he had on your hand and kind of fidgeted, really afraid of losing you. You gripped back and gave the bleached boy a reassuring smile before walking together to the right train to the amusement park.


As expected, people were rushing past the closing doors, and you got pushed in, but you yanked Ichigo gently to get him closer. Grasping for a loop on one of the poles, you instructed the taller man to do the same.


The subway began to jolt into motion, and you felt some weight on your back, but you ignored it. Ichigo was surprised by the sudden movement and blinked.





“Are trains really that crowded?”

“You never know, Ichigo.”


As you breathed out some air, you felt the floor slow down to another stop. Taking the opportunity, you brushed a lock of hair out of your face.


“Oh yeah!”

“Hm?” Ichigo raised a brow, curious about your wide eyes.

“Do you want anything? I think I read that there is a good cafe that has like strawberry parfaits. I can get you anything you want.” You replied with a confident face.

“Y-You don’t have to-”


“OMG! Who is that orange-haired guy?”
“Yeah, he’s so HOT!”



Blinking, you peered a little past the dog’s shoulder to find some highschool girls crowing among themselves with fancily decorated phones in their hands. They were taking pictures and blushing.


Typical girls in love, you thought. Then again, what do you expect from girls?

Feeling ticked, you let go your hands for a second and pulled on Ichigo’s arm to drag him away from those girls.


“[n-name]?” Ichigo asked, his caramel eyes, glazed with worry.

“Don’t worry, Ichigo… Just follow me, and we’ll be fine.” You turned to him with a small smile on your face, while inside, you were cursing those girls.  

[Dog!Ichigo x Reader] Dog AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now