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"So, run it by me again how Mr. Riddle disappeared in this, 'science accident'." The detective tactfully asks me with a serious expression on his face.

"Do you want me to explain or my coworker Judas here?" I ask the detective whose curiosity seems never ending. He is wearing a dark black jacket and with pen and paper out to take notes. That's good, we need to find my friend and boss Sam Riddle. He would be outright pissed at me if we didn't cooperate with the police to try to find him.

It's been three days since the lab accident. The one that has made Sam Riddle disappear.

"Either of you can explain it, since you were both there, yes?" The detective asks Judas and me.

"Well, I already spoke with another policeman already. So, Simon, could you explain it to him while I go get something to drink?" I left a coca cola inside of the fridge and I'm eager to drink it. We all need a little pick me up, and the coca cola is mine." Judas states to the detective and me.

"Okay, Simon, what happened again? Take it from the very top." The detective prompts me to answer.

"Well, we were running an experiment with a teleportation device. It breaks materials down like a download and sends them across a great distance like an upload. That was the intended use of the machine, we never got past the breaking down part. It's like a huge computer in a way, but with materials as data instead of bytes of computer data." I begin to stay to the detective as I lean and watch him take a few notes on his pad of note paper. We're both sitting at the front room of the lab that I work at. There are some dark colored easy chairs that we are relaxing in that my boss bought for us to relax in between experiments and to just add a little bit of life to the laboratory.

"Okay, so you were building a machine?" The detective dutifully asks me

"Yes, we were. It was a marvelous idea. Just think about it for a second. If we would have created a way to move people faster than any sort of transportation that is out there today? It would have changed my world, your world, and everyone else's world." I remark.

"So, it was something special, and by special, I mean risky?"

"Well, we were going to run an experiment with a small loaf of bread. Something simple, something that wouldn't have been damaging if it was lost. It was suppose to be a simple experiment. Nothing major, just a little event. We had prepared the machine to use the loaf of bread with a destination being a table that we laid out in the lab. All of us had lunch at that table before the experiment. Not anything real big, just some sandwiches and some water. Didn't even really clean the table after, which we probably should have considering that we were trying to send a loaf of bread to the table after all."

"Could you please continue explaining what happened, without going off on little tangents?" The detective asks me with a gentle voice and a smile on his caramel colored face.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean too."

"No problem, just explain to me what happened."

"Okay, so we were priming the machine for the experiment. I was to watch through a safety glass the table with a few cameras. Judas was at the controls of the machine ready to turn it on when the boss gave us the okay. We had everything completely ready to go, and my heart was pumping from the excitement. Then, it happened." I slow down as I speak. Don't really like talking about it so passionately. It's a lab accident, and it should be thoroughly investigated so that it doesn't happen again. Not some kind of another day at work.

It's your fault that he's gone. Your fault, and Judas's.

I pause for a moment and look down at my pale white shirt that contrasts my tan skin. There are sweat marks starting to appear on my shirt.

Rockets and Beyond!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt