Chapter 1

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Kia sat there watching the battle from afar. Her teal hair was done up in a braid that went down to her waist. She wore a red crop top and blue, jean shorts. The boy with his Frogadier and the other boy with his Chespin. She sighed as the Chespin dealt the final blow. Slowly she got up, a poke-ball in her hand. She walked over to the two trainers. "Want to battle me?" She asked with a smirk. The boy with the Chespin laughed. "You can't beat me! I'll spare you the embarrassment." Kia rolled her eyes. "So your just a coward? Using what you call 'skill' to taunt me out of a battle? Umbreon go!" Kia shouted and threw her poke-ball up. With a flash of white light a Umbreon appeared, accept the markings on it weren't yellow. They where blue. "Okay! But when I win I get the Pokemon!" The boy shouted. Kia smiled and walked over to the boy with his Frogadier. She slid him a revive crystal. "I wont take your Pokemon. I actually get mine fair and square." She said and stood at the edge of the battle field. The boy stood there awaiting her move. "Umbreon! Dark pulse but aim at the sand!" Kia shouted, Umbreon created a giant dark beam infront of it. It aimed at the ground and launched it. The boy laughed. "What did that do!" He shouted, yet the sand erupted into the air creating a cloud around the two pokemon. "Chespin! Use vine whip now!" The boy shouted, Chespin fired off it's vines randomly swinging at the dust. Yet it didn't make contact with anything. When the dust finally settled down Umbreon was standing still while Chespin was tired out. "Umbreon! Finish this off with a shadow ball!" Kia shouted, Umbreon did as it was told and fired off a ball of purple energy. "Chespin! Get out of there!" The boy shouted, yet his breath was in vain. The shadow ball hit Chespin square in the chest and sent it rocketing back into the wall. Chespin fell out of the hole, knocked out cold. Kia smirked and walked up to her Pokemon. "H-how! You cheated!" The boy shouted. "It was simple really. I created a dust cloud so that Chespin would wear itself out by firing random attacks. Umbreon simply jumped into the air to avoid them." Kia replied calmly. She pulled out another revive crystal. "Save the crystal and use it when your in a battle. They're quiet useful." She said and handed him the crystal. "Woah! Can I battle you?" A male voice said from behind her. Kia turned around to be face to face with a boy with black hair, a blue jacket and a red hat. "Ash! You shouldn't ask someone out of the blue, she just fought a battle!" Another male voice said. "I'll battle you, just let me see if Umbreon needs anything." Kia said and walked over to Umbreon. Umbreon nodded as it was alright. Kia smirked. "The name's Kia by the way. I'll want you to remember me when I beat you." The boy narrowed his eyes. "I'm Ash." He replied and a Pikachu jumped from his shoulder onto the battle field in front of them. "Alright Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Ash shouted from the other side of the field. Pikachu jumped up and discharged it's energy towards Umbreon. "Umbreon! Dodge and use shadow ball on the ground!" Kia shouted, Umbreon just barely dodged the attack and used shadow ball on the ground. Once again a dust cloud formed above the battle field. "Umbreon! Use dark pulse at Pikachu!" Umbreon fired a dark pulse at Pikachu. "Pikachu! Zig zag to confuse Umbreon then electro-ball!" Ash shouted, before Pikachu could react the dark pulse hit it. It was thrown back a few yards yet kept its balanced. Kia narrowed her eyes. This Pikachu isn't normal. I've battled them that faint instantly at that type of force. Kia thought. The Pikachu began to zig zag throughout the battle field. "Alright Pikachu! Finish this off with thunderbolt!" Ash shouted and Pikachu stopped mid-run and jumped into the air. It discharged it's energy once more. "Umbreon! Counter with dark pulse!" Kia shouted desperately. The two forced collided mid-air, the dark pulse being stronger slowly made it's way through the thunderbolt. It made contact with Pikachu. Ash gasped as Pikachu fell to the ground. It was stunned yet it just lied there. Unable to fight back. Kia smiled and returned Umbreon into it's poke-ball. Ash ran up to Pikachu. The other boy and a little girl that was accompanying Ash walked up. "That was incredible! Your Umbreon was able to maintain focus even while Pikachu was zig-zagging all around! Please tell me how!" The second boy asked. Kia stepped backwards cautiously. "Well Umbreon simple didn't watch Pikachu. Though it followed the dust tracks so it was able to fire dark pulse in the right direction. Me and it have trained for as long as I've had Pokemon. Umbreon was my starter you see?" Kia said. "Wow! Your a keeper!" The little girl shot towards her and landed on one knee. "I need someone to take care of my brother because when I leave home he is going to need a beautiful girl to take care of him!" The little girl shouted. Kia stumbled backwards. "Bonnie! I told you a million times not to do that!" A robotic arm came out of his backpack and grasped Bonnie's shirt. The arm dropped her next to him. "Sorry about my sister. I'm Clemot." Clemot said. But Kia was already walking away. "Hey, why don't you stay and eat with us? It's almost night soon anyway!" Ash shouted. Kia stopped and looked over her shoulder. "I have to train at the waterfall." She said coldly and kept walking. Soon she was out of sight in the woods surrounding the Pokemon center. "Ash why don't you go train with her!" Bonnie said hopefully. "Yeah, that would be smart!" He replied and Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder. They ran after Kia into the woods. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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