Chapter 7

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  "First squad!"

Bear's voice boomed across the chamber, silencing mumbling voices and straightening backs amongst the crowd. Everett lifted his head from the old assault rifle in his hands, looking around to find the source of the voice. However, he was near the middle of the crowd, and couldn't see Bear from here.

"Final weapons and ammo check!" Bear shouted, and there was another pause as the front portion of the army – mostly island people, designated "first squad" – all looked down, mumbling to one another, before a handful of voices called confirmation up to Bear. They were locked and loaded.

While the confirmation was relayed up the line, Everett looked around himself. He was in what being called the third squad, in the middle, though it was actually just key personnel: himself, Nikki, Maxwell, Patches and the rebels, and the Ronholm sisters. The sisters were there for protection, being the most experienced island soldiers, covering Everett and the others. In reality, the entire army would be keeping an eye on the third squad, but the sisters had volunteered to stay closest.

Maxwell, despite his lab coat and babbling nature, held a rifle remarkably well. He stood on the other side of Nikki, and gave Everett a nervous smile as he shifted his feet slightly, then brought his eyes to the front. Everett hadn't spoke to the man much since the assault on Central. As it stood, he knew very little about Maxwell, really. He was obviously an extremely smart man; his obsession with radio technology had wound up leading to eventual communication with the Chitters. Of course, Nikki had been the key, but Maxwell had done most of the work – and he knew it. He wasn't exactly arrogant, but he wouldn't hesitate to take credit where it was due to him, which was often.

Nikki's glowing eyes were focused ahead of her and up – at the portal. Her lengthy dreadlocks had been gathered up and tied together at the back of her head in a loose knot. One of her hands rested gently on one of her hip holsters. Despite being involved with her (they had made a point not to put a name to their relationship) and knowing her better than anyone else on the island, Nikki was still very mysterious to Everett, more so than Maxwell was. She spoke rarely of herself, and even less often of her past. He had still never saw her true eyes beneath the LED lenses. She had, in fact, very abruptly closed the conversation when he had asked – but first assured him that they were blue, like the lights. Then she had kissed him, and he had forgotten about it.

The Ronholm sisters stood behind Everett, Nikki, and Maxwell. Everett glanced back at them only briefly. They were clutching rifles tight to their chests, and their jaws were set. Jo was projecting an aura of cool, calm readiness. It was the same attitude she took into the cockpit when she led the way in keeping the island safe. Ava had absorbed some of it, her stance tall and ready but her eyes drooped and sad. It was clear, however, that Jo was the source.

All around the army, down low on six limbs, were the rebel Chitters. They were carrying their signature weapon, an unusual long firearm they held along their stomachs and operated with three limbs. Its ammunition – a barbed projectile designed to do more damage being removed than going in – had been explained only recently by Nikki. What the people of Orson's Island had simply been calling "fishhooks" were in fact parasites that lived and grew on the bodies of the warrior caste. The small creatures quickly died after being fired out of the Chitter gun, but not before giving a few final twitches. It had been believed to be clever design, but was in fact the death throes of an alien parasite as it attempted to burrow into the wound it found.

"Second squad! Final weapons and ammo check!"

"Hey, that's you!" Spalding's voice called, and he very suddenly appeared at the back of the crowd, looking like he might be atop someone else's shoulders. "Come on, guys!"

In the Land of Giants - Book 2 of the Acropolis seriesWhere stories live. Discover now