Chapter 1: "best friend"

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Sage's P.O.V

She's such a fucking cunt
Why am I still friends with her
Thoughts I have on my "best friend" Meredith Mickelson
The only reason I'm still here is because she knows too much
Or maybe it's because she'll ruin my reputation
Prolly both
She's dating a guy I've had a crush on since kindergarten and cheating on him at the same time
What's even worse is that she's cheating on him with his best friend Jack Dail
Such a shame
I'm going to tell him today and give him plenty of proof
Maybe he'll actually notice me instead of her

"Miss Harper!!!?" Mr. Green pretty much yelled

"Uh yes?" I said

"You still here with us or are you off in Narnia?" He said

"I'm still here, sorry Mr. Green" I replied

I can't wait till after school.....

Authors note:
I hope this ends up being good but you never know smh

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