Soft Lips!

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Soft Lips!

~Many different brands have great lip balms but if your wanting soft lips then you are best going for a lip balm with moisturiser in it. Brands like Nivea, Baby Lips, CoverGirl and Vaseline are great for soft lips!

~To get soft lips you need to stop;
Licking your lips-This doesn't help moisturise them, it makes them chapped.
Biting/peeling the skin off your lips, this makes them scabby, sore, irritated and sometimes makes them bleed.
If you do any of the above then stop! It's hammer time! No really though, stop. It's a major turn off to boys, I mean who wants to be kissing scabby lips??

~Apply lip balm every morning and slap tons on at night because it is more likely to stay on than it is during day time as you are less likely to lick it off (A/N- Eww that sounds disgusting 🙊) it will have more time to sink in and moisturise.

~Before you apply normal lipstick just put on a swirl of lip balm, then they can be moisturising whilst looking good!

~Drink 7-9 cups of water per day. This helps with tons of things such as your nails, hair, skin and lips!

~Don't share lip balms! I can't stress enough how bad this is as you never know if the owner of the lip balm has a lip infection or cold sores etc!

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