sleeping Beauty

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Jesse's POV.
I sat there I had woken up a few hours ago I watched TV flicking threw channels until I heard a soft yawn, I turned around to see hanzo had woken up "well howdy there sleepin Beauty" then the name hit me, hanzo...shimada, my eyes widened slightly "hey your genji's brother arn'tcha?" I said a smile spreading across my face " you know him?" Yes. I knew genji he had been my friend for awhile now and he had talked about hanzo so often, how could I forget, well I knew I had heard the name somewhere.

After awhile of talking to hanzo he asked if he could head home, I nodded and relized he had taken my jacket off "ya need somthin ta wear?" He shook his head and I sighed but nodded. I could tell he was cold as he began to shiver as we walked, I chuckled and wrapped my scarf around hanzo, he looked adorble in it, we continued on to walk  eventully making it back to hanzos place, as soon as we got there we were greeted bye the green haired boy I've grown to know over the years, "jesse! And...hanzo?" I saw his smile get even wider, then a saw him shoot me a smug ass look which I happily returned, we laughed and I saw hanzo looked at us like we were mad mans, hanzo sighed and began to walk inside his house he then stopped and walked over to us taking off my scarf "Nah darlin you keep it it looks better on  ya anyway" with that hanzo put it back in and walked inside the house

Hanzos POV.
I was smiling like an idiot when he I put the scarf back on, i looked forward to getting to know  jesse, after all it would be easy as he was friends with his brother, i felt happy and i also felt overjoyed and my stomach felt like it had butterflys in it, i would have to ask genji what that meant later. (IT'S LOVE YOU DUMBASS) i sighed and walked to my room sitting down on my bed and curling up Jesse's scarf covering me i soon fell asleep a smile on my face i drempt about that stunning cowboy as i slept.

When i awoke it was nighttime i sighed and rolled over then relizing somthing was in my pocket i took it out only to see a phone number, i raised my eyebrow and grabbed my phone calling the number "howdy!" Said the person on the end of the line making me smile "hello jesse"

Sorry this took so long guys just it had been had to update and I am sorry.

Love aki-

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