Chapter 12

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Sorry about the last few chapters, I was hacked whether you believe it or not, I was, I apologise I haven't been updating but I've had exams so here's a short chapter and I'll try write some more soon. Btw this is carrying on from when Jughead walked in on Archie and Betty kissing.

Betty's POV
I just wanted to find Jughead and explain. I will never forget the anger on his face when he saw us, he's been let down all his life by his mum, his dad and now me. He thought he could trust me. Jughead started frustratingly walking towards the front door and slammed it shut behind him. I stood there looking at the floor refusing to make eye contact with Archie
"You need to go find him" Archie spoke
I didn't reply, I just walked with my head down, ashamed, towards the door to find my Jughead.

Jughead's POV
I thought I could trust her, but she's let me down, just like everyone else in my family. I head home to pack my bags not knowing where to go though.
I get to my dads trailer, as I walk in the smell of drugs and alcohol fill the air. My dad lays asleep on the sofa which is a good thing, no questions, no interruptions, I can just leave. I walk to my bedroom and pack the few things I own and make my way to the door, no explanation left for my dad. As I walk out the trailer door and down the steps I run in to Betty. I feel my self getting angrier and try to breath and calm down. She doesn't try to explain her self, instead just questions the bag hanging over my shoulder.
"Jug, why have you packed a bag, where are you going?"
I push past her but trying not to hurt her as even thought she's hurt me, I still don't want to see her hurt.
"You can't just ignore me, I'm sorry, I didn't kiss Archie! Archie kissed me you have to believe me Jug!" She shouts waking after me, tears stream down her face. I let a few tears slip from my eyes but wipe them away instantly, I don't want to show it's getting to me to Betty. She keeps following me so I sharply turn around and shout to her "I don't care who kissed who, you didn't pull away! Just leave me alone Betty, I'm leaving and that's all you need to know because it's obvious I cared and loved you more than you ever did for me!"
"How can you say tbat Jughead, I love you,  you've been there for me when I needed you, why do you think that I would actually throw away our relationship for Archie, I love you Jughead, not archie"
"Has it ever occurred to you just how different we both are, I'm a weirdo, you're the perfect girl next door, I'm I just the guy you stay with until Archie wants you? Well you got your wish because from what I saw, Archie wants you know, so you can go be with him I'm leaving"
"Don't say that Jughead, stay please, let me make it up to you, something happened last night, and I wanted to tell you but Archie came into the kitchen and then you know the rest"
I contemplate what to do and decide it's too late to go anywhere and, so we both stand there looking at each other as she starts to speak.
"Jug, it's my parents" Betty Cooper, the girl next door. Standing across from me. She walked closer to me, her eyes filling with tears.
"Polly stayed at Jason's last night, and when my dad found out well...well" Her voice was breaking.
"What did he do Betty? Tell me what he did" I replied sternly, not caring about any of the events that happened tonight.
"He hit me" She managed to say.
Anger filled up in my body, all I ever do is to try protect her, and she always gets hurt.
I looked at her, tears streaming down her face, ruining her flawless makeup. Her eyes surrounded by the black from her eyeliner. As I was admiring her beauty, Betty spoke and snapped me out of my day dream.
"Say something.. please juggy" still struggling for words to come out.
"Your staying at mine tonight" I change my mind on leaving, Betty needs me, but remembering that my dad is home still, but probably asleep.
"No, I need to be with my mum, I would love to, but I can't leave my mum alone"
"Wouldn't your dad be there anyway?"
"No, my mum kicked him out"
"Okay, I love you..." I said hoping she felt the same still. Not caring about today, she needed me, and I realised I needed her aswell.
"I...I. I love you too" she replied, obviously shocked that I just said that.
She spoke again
"Jug, I also found out that my dad had an affair with Hermonie, I overheard my mum and dad arguing about it, I thought my parents would never be unfaithful to each other, but I guess I was wrong..." Betty still sobbing into my shoulder, all I can do is be there for her.
After a while Betty got up and kissed me goodbye and left to go be with her mum.

Betty POV
The truth is, I wasn't going home, my dad was still there, I wasn't going back, I was going to Veronicas, more specifically Hermonie's.
I arrived outside the hotel they stay at. I angrily walked up the stairs, every step remembering how she stole my dad away from mum. I stood outside her apartment door. I knocked, more likely pounded on the door. I waited in anticipation. Whilst waiting I checked my watch. 3:36am. As I looked back up, Hermoine lodge was standing there looking worried. She then spoke.
"Betty, are you okay? You look scared, angry, what's up?"
"Me? I'm guessing you know about me and your father, but I never meant to hurt you, I only happened once and we both regretted it straight after, especially your father "
I ignored her and pushed past her, knocking her shoulder as I do so. I stormed in to her kitchen and grabbed knife and tucked it away behind my back and walked back to where Hermonie was now standing. I walked up to her, she was oblivious. Staring at each other for no longer than 30seconds, I lifted the knife up from behind my back and inserted it straight in to her heart. She fell to the floor, blood pouring out from her heart. I ran towards the door and right before I shut the door when leaving, I heard the cries from Veronica. I shut the door and fell to floor clutching my knees to my chest, tears flowing heavily from my eyes, knowing I shouldn't have done that, knowing how much I've hurt my best friend.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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