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Winter, Richard thought to himself as he stared out the window into the courtyard below where a number of guards were patrolling even as a light snow shower fell, always a special season in itself.

Of course, special wasn't exactly the word the other people of the realm would use to describe the seemly never-ending frosty time, not that they could be faulted for their attitude though. It has always being a known fact that the realm, most especially the Kingdoms' region, was more attuned to the spring season, and as a consequence, any other weather apart from the bright day, cool sunlight and pleasant rainfall characteristic of the spring season was never one to look forward to.

At that moment though, which was actually almost the middle of the day although the sun was still hidden behind a thick fog, Richard could understand why winter was never a good look on the realm. One reason above others was the gloom it brought, which was definitely of no positive effect on matters. In fact, the entire castle would have been cast in shadows if not for the candles that were lit all around, not something he or anyone would want on a day such as that one.

                               "The king of Cyrian staring out the window with an intense look on his face", Lorraine suddenly said as she came up behind him, apparently having been watching him for a while, "Surely, this has to do with a certain someone".

                               "Actually sister, I was having a private thinking moment", he replied as he turned to face her, "But I'll admit that a part of me wished Kyra was here, you know, just to complete the gang".

A little smile came on Lorraine's lips at the face Richard made with the joke at the end of his statement.

                                  "Of course, brother", she said, "But you said yourself that Kyra sent a letter over to say she would be unavailable today, I believe she would have been here if she could".

                                 "I agree", he returned, taking her hands in his, "And not just because a beautiful woman like you pointed it out".

And beautiful the princess really was in the wine-colored gown she wore, adorning it with a winter cloak which colour matched her gown. The symbol of the house of Winchmore, two snakes coiled round a sword and an eagle wing on each side, was sewn into the front of the gown with a gold fabric, adding more to the beauty of the gown and its wearer which was only completed by the ruby necklace she put on.

                              "Are you sure I'm beautiful in this?", she asked, almost sounding serious if not for the teasing smile on her face as she twirled a little so that he can see her from different angles, "You know, it's just one of my normal outfits".

                             "It's a perfect outfit", Richard corrected, "Fit for a wedding".

Just then, the trumpets began to play a lovely tune as the cathedral's double doors swung open and all the congregation rose to their feet.

                                 "It's time", Lorraine said to him, he responding by linking his arm in hers as they walked towards the altar where a priest was already waiting for them.

As they walked, Richard couldn't help thinking back to two years ago when he had walked into the cathedral in almost the same fashion as he was that moment to be crowned king. Of course, the celebration of his coronation had been cut short when the news that a great force of evil was coming for his people and the realm. Fortunately, he had been able to deal with it, an accomplishment which he couldn't but feel proud over.

Up ahead and standing right next to the priest, Lucian stood with a smile so bright that it could almost make the sun envious. The warrior was putting on a steel armour with the insignia of a sword in the middle of a pentagram drawn on its chest, a proclamation of his newly awarded title as Commander of the magical forces, recently named by Kyra herself. He put his hand out as Richard walked Lorraine to him, the customary sign of the beginning of the wedding ceremony between him and the princess.

                              "Take care of her", Richard said to him before handing his sister over.

                               "With my life, your Majesty", he replied, nodding in a friendly manner to the king as the latter walked back to his seat at the front row right next to Henrik and Isidora, an overly jubilant smile surprisingly on the normally stoic dark witch's face.

Just as the priest called for silence and the service about to begin, a guard suddenly walked into the cathedral and towards Richard.

                              "Your Majesty, there has been a situation outside and it requires your urgent attention", said the guard to him.

                                 "What is it?", Isidora cut in with a whisper, holding Richard's hand to make sure he answered before leaving to go deal with the 'situation', whatever it was.

                                   "It's nothing to concern yourself with", he replied, "Just something pertaining to the guards".

But the dark witch apparently wasn't planning on taking his word for it as she stood up right after him and followed.

                                   "You did hear the part where I told you not to worry, right?", Richard whispered at her as they went, unable to keep the displeasure at being disobeyed off his face.

                                    "I did, but obviously I wasn't listening", she replied with a smile, although it was hard to decipher whether it was a part of her jovial mood or just another blow at infuriating Richard the more.

Restraining himself with all that was within him, Richard concentrated on getting to the problem at hand instead of replying the dark witch as she deserved.

Just as they approached the castle's hallway, sounds turning out to be two guards restraining a girl could be heard. Although it was obvious that the guards were more than twice her strength, the girl struggled unrelentingly against their hold, unsurprisingly to no avail.

                                "What is going on here?", Richard asked as he reached them, the two guards bowing as they saw him approach.

                                 "We saw this intruder breaking into the west entrance of the castle, sire".

                                   "I wasn't breaking in, you dolt!", she shouted at the guard, cutting off whatever further explanation he had, "I wanted to see the Soul of magic".

                                   "Who are you?", he asked, finally turning his attention to her.

From her appearance, he judged that she was about fourteen years old. Her eyes looked black, although it was hard to be sure with the fog still stealing away the light. The little part of her hair out in view also appeared black although majority of it was hidden under the hood of a weather-beaten cloak, the result of her probably travelling under the snowfall he presumed.

                                    "My name is Ariel, your Majesty", she said with a quick curtsey, "I'm a Seer from a faraway town and I am here to deliver a message to the Soul of magic".

                                    "Unfortunately, the Soul of magic is unavailable right now", Isidora replied before Richard could, coming to stand next to the king so as to get a good look at the girl too, "But perhaps if you tell us what the message is, we can pass it along to her".

                                "But it is imperative that I see the Soul of magic", she insisted, and looking very alarmed about it too.

                                  "What is this about?", asked Richard, a feeling of apprehension suddenly coming up within him at the mysterious girl and her reaction.

                                   "This concerns something of great urgency", she replied before saying what none of them could have even imagined, "The Conqueror's flames".

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