Ch 14 beta

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I could have laughed at the obvious positions taken by the guards. They walked the streets spaced out like they ran the roof. They all looked out of place. Alpha and Beta at least looked more natural on the street as they walked side by side than the line of guards.

I followed behind, knowing Alpha was aware of me. When we came to an empty alley, Alpha made some sort of noise and the line of guards stopped. Alpha stepped into the alley before calling to me.


I went before Alpha, kneeling out of habit. His hands ran along my head fondly, until he suddenly grabbed my arms, gripping painfully and yanking me upright.

"I have warned you before about doing things that endanger the pack. Do you think humans will ignore seeing you kneel before me?" asked Alpha.

My first reaction was fear, then I caught the amused look on Beta's face. Human, I get to act human around Alpha and Beta. What I felt was an odd combination of elation and panic. As tempted as I was to enjoy it, I also wasn't going to risk pushing too far. But then I just couldn't resist.

"No more than they would seeing you grab me," I answered shrugging him off, then leaned into him, hugging him, whispering "Alpha Sir".

I stayed in the hug, not understanding why I was risking his wrath. His hand came up behind my head, stroking my hair, went down around my waist, pulling me to him. It was wolf snout he pushed into my neck. I couldn't help shivering.

"My bold Scout," Alpha finally whispered, and I knew then why I risked what I did. He admired my boldness, was always pleased to see it, even if he punished me for it.

My desire to please him confused me, because I knew I was terrified of him. I wanted as far from him as I could get. Then moments like this happened, when I felt like I would do anything to please him, even if it meant risking him beating me down later.

Strange as it was, Alpha had been more father to me than any of my mother's many lovers. He taught me what it meant to be a werewolf, and honestly cared for me as part of his pack. He was no more abusive than the worst of the men my mother had brought into my life, except for when he raged. I was terrified of setting off his rage.

We grinned at each other when he let me loose, giving me a slight shove. Of all his pack, I'd only seen him really joke and relax with Beta, me and Failure.

"So what is expected of me Alpha Sir?" I asked cheekily. I kept my head up, but I looked down respectfully, waiting.

Silence. I kept my eyes down. My insides churned, and I think it was the smell of fear from me Alpha was waiting on. He chuckled.

"We are hunting, Scout. There is a group of teens from across the country in our city for some event or another. Find me someone, far from the others so they can be quickly taken and not missed. Better if we can find a few females, but a male is fine for tonight as well."

He turned me around, aimed me at a lit up fancy downtown motel.

"There," he said, pointing. "Go find me someone we can add to our pack. See if you can find someone before any of the guards do."

Four wolves ran past me. I looked at Alpha for permission to go. He just leaned back. So much for acting human. I didn't shift, just used my skills. I knew this territory, had snuck into their pool on hot summer days.

Rogue WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora