A Rude Awakening

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 here it is:)

also, on the side you have a cute pic of Hazza seeping, and a viseo of Liam,Niall, and Louis waking up Harry and Zayn.I reccomend you watch it, cause it's funny!

      "These are soo good!" Niall said, successfully showing off the half- chewed food in his mouth.

"Thanks!" I replied cheerfully, flipping another pancake on his plate.This morning i had prepared my oh-so-good chocolate pancakes with chocolate chips.Mmm, my specialty.

     Right now Liam, Louis, and Niall were enjoying my masterpieces downstairs in the kitchen Zayn and Harry were still upstairs sleeping.At this point i give them five minutes, then i'm personally coming up there.

      Liam didn't say anything about last night, thank god.Seeing him coming down the stairs this morning only confirmed my thoughts about him. The way his curly hair was gently tousled, sporting the "Out of bed" look, and his Big brown eyes kind. He was definitely perfection.

    Actually, i caught him looking at me from the corner of my eyes a couple of times.Oh, what i wouldn't give to be in his head, just  for a minute.Just to see what he's thinking about,what he thinks about me, if he's thinking about me.

   Sadly, that can't happen.So all i can do is wonder.

       'There was a knocking at my door, followed by the door opening, and Emily walking through, smiling."Hi everybody!" she chirped, sitting down at the table.Me,being my smart self, already anticipated her visit and made her a plate of my delicacies.

   "Hey"i replied as i put the plate in front of her.She looked at them, then at me. Her facial expression was priceless. It was like she was a kid in a chocolate-pancake-candy shop.

    "Mmm"she moaned loudly,smiling"you made your famous pancakes.They're the best!"

  I smiled and said "of course they are.Now eat, please. we have places to be today."

She rolled her eyes"Yess manager"She put emphasis on the word 'manager.'

"Okay"I fired back"Real manager who acts more like a kid than i do"

"ladies, ladies, stop arguing, please." Louis said " i think that we all know i'm the most immature out of all of us, so let's calm down, shall we?"

        "alright, I'm going up." I said, excusing myself from the table.It's been past five minutes and Zayn and Harry still aren't downstairs yet.Their pancakes are getting cold and we have a lot to do today.

    "Good luck!"Niall called out, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the stack of pancakes that were set aside for the sleeping boys. I looked at him sternly and said"Don't touch the food,Niall."Then i went upstairs  to face the challenge of getting to lazy teenage guys up in the morning,Fun.

            There Zayn was.He was sleeping peacefully, his head sticking out of the beige covers and his mouth slightly open.Not for long, though. I slowly crept up to him and knelt down so my face was next to his, and let out a loud , ear-splitting scream.

      "Aurgh!" he sat up immediately, startled by me.His face was a mixture of shock, worry,and sleepiness."What was that for?!"He quietly yelled at me. I just grinned sheepishly and said,"Oh, that? I was just practicing my scream for when i'm in a horror movie."

I stood up to my full height "Well, now that you're awake, you need to get ready. We have stuff to do and I made pancakes for breakfast.With that, I'd suggest hurrying up, because Niall loves the pancakes,too."

    And with that i walked out of the room and went to my next target. 

      Harry was also sleeping(go figure).His whole body was completely submerged under the covers, though.I took this as a perfect time to tip-toe over to him like a ninja while being super quiet.

"HARRY!" i yelled while rapidly poking the blanket where his head should be.All he did was groan and flop over.

     "I didn't wanna do this..." i mumbled, backing up to the door. With a big war cry, i ran to his bed full speed and sat on him.

"HARRY, WAKE U- AHHH!" my message turned into a squeak as he turned again and his arms wrapped around me.

        "Hey." he said while grinning. I looked quickly at the position i was in.He currently had me cuddled to his chest, which was bare, by the way, and the blanket covering his lower half.I also noticed that he has four nipples.Wow, Ellla, way to be observant.

      My face must be really red. I've never been this close to a guy before, and i was making me feel all weird.I thought about all of the girls in the world that would die to be in my position. To be in Harry Styles' arms while he's smiling at you, his curls flopping all over his face.

    "Harryyyyy"I moaned, squirming to get out of his grip."Let me gooo"

    "Nope"He said happily, popping the 'p' while winking."I'm comfortable right here."

I made a quick decision. Without warning, I rolled over. Harry let out a little gasp and fell to the ground, with me on top of him. There was no hesitation as I scrambled to my feet and ran out of the room, screaming,"Get ready!"

   Finally, an upload! sorry it's short, but most of em' are gonna be:)

hope you like it!


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