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"you are perfectly cast in your life. i can't imagine anyone
but you in the role. go play."

- lin-manuel miranda


p r o l o g u e


I stared at her from across the room. Blonde hair, green eyes, tan legs. Olivia was one of God's finest creations.

She laughed, the sound echoing in my ears. She was absolutely gorgeous. And I was absolutely in love with her. I had been since ninth grade. Now, three years later, here I was, still hung up on her.

The Coke I was holding had gone flat, so I got up to throw it away. The garbage bags that lined the living room were overflowing with trash. I kept looking for an empty one until I reached the kitchen. I threw away the can and was about to exit when I noticed someone scouting out the fridge.

Neha Kapoor. Olivia's best friend.

I stared at her for a second longer before returning to the living room one again. My mind was racing.

How can I get a chance with Olivia if she never notices me?

This is the thought I pondered as I drove back home, my piss-drunk friends in the back seat.

This is the thought I pondered as I placed the ladder, which was conveniently hidden behind a row of bushes, under my bedroom window and snuck back in.

This is the thought I pondered as I pulled the covers up to my chin and stared at the star stickers on my ceiling that had lost their glow a long time ago.

I had been pining over Olivia for so long and not once had I done something about it. But I was getting tired of just sitting and waiting. I knew how I was going to get her.

The key: Neha Kapoor.

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