Part 1

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He woke up, everyday like the day before. He got dressed and grabbed the books he needed for class. He ate breakfast alone, for who needed friends when you pretty much ruled school. Of course, he was in the same class as her. Everyday, he taunted her for the way her hair looked, for being "to smart", for not being rich enough. He laughed at her with his "friends", but to him, they seemed to be more like "minions". Until one day. He went to sleep and dreamed of being in the clouds. But all around him were images of her. "Stop," he pleaded, "make it stop." All of a sudden, he woke. But the room he was in wasn't bathed in green light. No, it was covered in red and gold. And it was filled with girls. He looked at his hands. Dainty fingers with perfectly filed nails. He looked in a mirror hanging next to his bed. The messy brown hair. The dark brown eyes. He had become her.

The day started fine. He went down to eat breakfast in red and gold. He went to class with the rest of the kids in the same color. But than, as he turned the corner, he saw...himself. "I didn't know I'd come in the presence of you. I should've brought my sanitary suit to protect myself from catching any diseases from you."

The other him taunted him about his clothes, The way his hair looked, and that he wasn't as rich as the other him. In tears, he ran into the girls bathroom and sobbed to himself, not about how the taunting hurt him, but what she felt when he said that. Tears still streaming down his face, he whispered, "Make it stop, make it stop." He suddenly fell into a sort of trance and all he could see was black. 

He woke up again. Looking around with a start, he realized he was back in the present, as himself, but in the girls bathroom. Bracing himself for laughter and embarrassment, he pushed open the door to the girls bathroom. But there was no one outside. It was night. Holding back a sigh of relief, he ran through the halls, down stairs, and to his common room bathed in green and fell asleep.

When he woke up, everything seemed back to normal. But in the middle of the hall, he saw her with that unbearable red head. Than, they turned towards each other. And kissed. For some reason, he was jealous of red head. He turned and fled the hall and blacked out.

When he woke, he was in his bed, cold with sweat. "I've got to make things right," he said to himself. Than, flashes of light went off and his vision 

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