Chapter 1

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~Back to the present day( 17 years old )~

" Guys! Quickly get out of the classroom!! I want to eat already!! " Joey complained as she tried to drag everyone out

" Okay Okay...chill joey. Its not like the canteen is about to vanish into thin air and leaving you without food. " Vera said exasperatedly, she strolled out of the classroom behind Velna.

" Who wants POTATO!!!!!!!" Wenny exclaimed while holding a potato. " Where the hell did you get it?!" Joey questioned as she raised her eyebrows.

"Can we just go to the canteen? I have duty to do later." Linette said as she gave a fake tear with a sigh. Everyone agreed and left the classroom.

~In the canteen~

The girls went to their regular spots when they noticed a strange looking book on the table and they stared at it dumbfounded.

"Did someone take our seat?" Joey asked frowning. " Dunno but where do we sit now?" Velna turned to look at the others as she felt something weird about the strange book. She noticed that the book had their names on it.

"Guys why are our names on the book???" Velna said when she saw the names, staring at it like it fell from space.

Vera took a closer look at the book and gasped, "Your right! Why in the world are our names on a book that none of us know about?!" She picked up the book.

"Should we open it?" Vera said as she studied the book. "No way, its someone's book so we can't just open it!" Linette cried staring at the book in fear.

Joey just sat at the table, ignoring everyone while using her phone but at the same time, listening to their conversation. Wenny just sat next to joey, making spooky BGM as she tries to make the whole scene scary and creepy.

"Let's open it, I mean, it can't harm us...right?" Velna pleaded. Vera nodded and pried it open and they gasped when they saw the first page.

The page was covered in codes that none of them recognised. Vera and Velna studied it curiously while Joey continued using her phone, searching about the mysterious codes. Linette just shrugged, wondering about that the codes mean and Wenny just continued playing more spooky BGM.

"RRRRIIINNNGGGG!!!!" The school bell rang, signalling all the students that recess time is over.

The five girls stared at the book once more, deciding if they should ignore it or take it. "You know what, I think someone is just trying to prank us. I suggest that we should just leave it here." Vera said, waiting for the others to respond her back. "Ya...lets just leave it, its not ours anyway." Joey reasoned. Linette and Wenny nodded it agreement but Velna just stared at the book, felt that something will go wrong if they leave the book here. After a few seconds of thinking, she decided to leave it.

"Umm...alright, lets just leave it.." Velna said, feeling very unsure of the decision she had made.

Vera placed the book down on the table, stood up with other four girls and left the canteen.

~Time skip~

~In Vera's room(dorms)~

"Yes! I can finally watch my movie!!" Vera exclaimed as she does her victory dance in her room, but soon stopped when she realized something.

"SHIT..I forgot there's homework....Fuck me!" Vera complained as she walked towards her school bag.

After grabbing her bag from her bed stand, she unzipped her bag and started unpacking the books and papers that she need for her homework but instead, she stood shock. Inside her bag was the book...

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