Singer Knows

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singer13102  won part of a contest so here's your prize. You get to be in a one shot! Yay! [For the Others who won, you get your own one-shot!] Sorry its late

I had a best friend named Singer. She's always been my friend, and always will be. I even took her to Mewni with me! She lived with someone else though. She still goes to Echo Creek, which is nice because I get to see her. Well, her and Marco. Marco is my other best friend, and I'm going to be honest , I'm so crushing on him. Singer knows, and she ships us too! "Starco" she says. Today was Valentines Day, and I didn't know why, but I had a bad vibe that Singer was going to do something. We were in all the same classes together, and she gave me an evil look. I could sense something was up.

Time Skip To Lunch

Singer hadn't done anything yet, so I assumed I was fine. Marco, Singer,Janna and I all sat down, and that's when it started. "Attention Everyone!" She yelled across the room. Everyone was still talking and not paying attention. "EVERYONE SHUT UP!!" Screamed Janna. They both smiled at each other, and then got on the table. "You've been shipping them since day one, and now! Here to make it canon is the wonderful, the amazing, the shiptastic, SINGER FIELDS! [came up with random last name]" and everyone clapped. "Thank You Janna! Now, can I bring your attention to the front of me. Star and Marco, the most shipped couple of Echo Creek!" Both Marco and I death glared her. "Let's play truth or dare, shall we?" We both shook our heads no, but then Janna says,"Okay, then you don't mind if I shout this. MARCO LIKES TO KI-" and Marco covered her mouth. Marco sighed and nodded. "And Star, you won't mind me saying: STAR LIKES TO WHIS-" and I do the same. We both blush. "Alright, then I guess we're playing." She said. "Truth or Dare Marco." She said. "Dare." He said. "I dare you to run around the cafeteria." He looked surprised, but then nodded. "Easy." Oh no. From what I knew from Singer, this was going to elevate very quickly. As Marco finished running, he sat down tired. "Okay, Star. Truth or Da-" and Janna brought to her attention that I needed to ask. " Nit the way I'm playing it." Quickly, I say "Truth."  Singer snickered. "Do you think Marco......, looks good today?" She says. I blush and nod.  We both sigh of relief. It went in for about 2 minutes with easy questions. Then, she said....THE WORDS...."Alright, WHO DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON?" 😏. "That's easy...Jackie!" I quickly responded "Oskar!" Everyone screamed "YEAH RIGHT!" Singer looked at me, and said "The truth!!!" I sighed. "M-Marco...." I ran to the girls bathroom and cried. I heard Singer come in, and she hugged me. "Sorry, but look. Come out the door with me." Then, I went out and Marco grabbed me and kissed me. She left us, and I high fived her.

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