2. Magcon

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When school got out, I made my way over to Matt's car. I could see Matt and Shawn walking infront of me and they both seemed excited about something. I finally caught up to them, and Matt started to tell me about this thing called Magcon. Apperently it's like a convention/meet and greet thing for a bunch of other talentless viners and over obssesive fangirls to go to. At least that's what it seems like to me. "Matt you know that mom isn't going to let you go. We still have like a month before we get out of school" I said. "Well I'm older than you, and anyway, this is a huge deal, there is no way she will say no" he said. On the car ride home the boys were so hyped, they were blasting music so loud. It was hilarious to watch them sing off key and dance like idiots, but I know that isn't going to last long. I'm not sure how Shawn's parents will react to the news but I know my mom isn't going to let Matt go. Right when we got home, Matt and Shawn ran into their houses to tell their parents. I followed Matt into the house quickly, eager to hear what mom would say. "Mom, you wont believe this" Matt yelled, walking into the kitchen. "I got a call from your school Matthew, you can't keep ditching your classes with Shawn, I'm tired of getting calls all the time from the office" My mom said. There is no way he's going to be able to go, I'm going to be surprised if he even bothers asking at this point. "Look I know mom, just listen, I got offered a spot on Magcon tour and I need to go, we would leave next week". I don't get why this is a huge deal to him, like yeah its cool and whatever, but he's literally going to be dealing with screaming girls every night. "Are you kidding me Matthew, maybe I would actually let you go if you were more like your sister". Right when my mom said that Shawn walked in and his smile dropped. Matt looked at me, "Why do you always ruin things for me" he said. "What did I do? I'm not the one who is trying to go on this stupid tour." I said back to him. "Please Mrs. Espinosa, my parents told me I can go if Matt goes, this means so much to us" Shawn said. Honestly this is so stupid, they are totally over reacting. It's just going to be a bunch of talentless guys in a room, and a ton of girls who only like them because they're hot. That's the last place I would ever want to be. Suddenly my mom says, "Fine, you can go, but only if Jordan goes". You have got to be fucking kidding me.

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