Monday: September 24, 2012 (continued)

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{Monday: September 24, 2012}

Stepping back inside her townhouse taking her empty wine glass to the sink while shaking her head to clear her mind of the constant memories she keeps rehashing, Marin went upstairs to change out of her work clothes and get ready to watch some mind numbing reality TV in bed till she falls asleep. Concluding months ago that TV and wine were the solution to keeping her brain occupied on something other than her memories of what might’ve been with Cliff since he hasn’t called her once in the past 2 months.

Maybe Wes didn’t give him the message and he doesn’t know I wanted to keep in touch. Maybe he thinks I was just using him. Maybe he was just using me. Maybe…. STOP MARIN! You sound like a desperate old hag instead of the 25 year old skinnier you – you are becoming. Hell yeah, the bright side to all this drama and heartache has to be that I’m back into the 130s on the scale. Bonus!   Even though, I’d go back to the 140s in a second if I could have Cliff… not that I had him to begin with but… whatever. My fantasy, My way… uggg…. I just want to go to sleep. At least then I can dream of him. What time is it?

Looking at the clock, Marin saw it was only 8pm. Damn… only old ladies go to bed this early. Well shit… Belinda is right. I just need 16 cats and the rest of my life has already been written as the cliché it has become…. “BORING CAT LADY LIBRARIAN HOARDER FOUND IN CHARLESTON TOWNHOUSE BURIED UNDER BOOKS AND WINE BOTTLES next up on the 6 o’clock news an interview with lifelong friend, Belinda Shaw, as she remembers the lost friend she tried to save for years.”

Belinda will freaking KILL me twice if her 15 minutes of fame is due to me letting myself become like that. I have to just grow up, let Cliff and those 4 days go, and step up to bat for myself. I’m 25, I’m NOT ugly, and I’m a freaking college graduate with a self sustaining income from a career I love. No… I’m not a model, Yes… I am single, No… I have no dating prospects. BUT… I can live with that.

 What is it Granny always says? ‘Marin, let life just happen to you when it’s ready and you’ll be surprised at what Fate brings you. Fate is fickle and hasn’t the same concept of time as us normal folk.’

Damn right Granny! That’s enough! Starting tomorrow I’m not thinking about this ever again…. I promise!

Marin fell asleep that night to the low background noise of the TV, and for the first time in 2 months.. she didn’t dream at all.


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