Chapter 17

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 I shouldn’t have said that. Why is he doing this to me? She knows that I love her. I’ve told her before but maybe she didn’t believe me. How the hell does Chris know this? I haven’t talked to him or something. I know that he’s planing somthing big and he’ll try to take her away. I have to make he believe. I turn to April and she looks like she’s seconds away from breaking down. I say;

-Alright that’s it. April you’re coming with me and Chris, you’re wrong and I don’t need your fucked up jealousy shit in my life. I don’t want you anywhere near me or her. So you can just go and obsess with someone else because she’s mine.

-Yours? Really, why don’t you ask her that? I bet that she doesn’t even want to go with you! This is what you do Cameron! You push them too far until they’re sick of you! That’s why Keri cheated on you! Don’t you think that she told me? I knew it all along! Everyone knew but you were too focused on somthing that you couldn’t see it! You know that when she’s bored, she’ll come running to me and you’ll go through it once again.

 I raise my fist to punch him but I feel somone’s hand on my arm. I look back and see April with her eyes red  from crying. She says;

-Cameron, let’s just go. We can talk somewhere else, without him.

  I slowly nod and give Chris a disgusted look. He gives me a huge smirk and waves goodbye. I swear I’m going to kill him if something else happens because of him. I mean, seriously, a re-bound? I would never do that to her, to anyone! I have to make her believe that it’s different. She’s different.

 I slowly pull to her driveway and she gets out of the car, without a word. I follow her and sit on the couch. She sits on the other couch and takes a deep breath. Before she can say anything I say;

-Look, I wouldn’t do that to you in a million years. Come on, a re-bound? You mean much more than that. I don’t know if I’m too obsessive or too clingy but it’s the only way to show how much I care. If you’re annoyed  or overwhelmed, I’ll just stop. I’ll stop seeing you, talking to you and I’ll even try not to think about you. But there’s one thing that I can’t do which I can’t say. So, I may not know what you think about me but I know how I feel.

-I just want you to know that I never believed Chris. I know that you’re not the type of guy that would do that and I really trust you. But you said that there was one thing that you can’t do, what is it?

-It’s better if you don’t know.

-I have to know, please.

-Alright,well… I,I can’t really stop loving you.

 Complete silence. Why isn’t she saying anything? She’s just staring at the floor. She doesn’t love me back. Can’t blame her. What am I going to do now? She’s the only one I have, only one I need. I can’t make her love me. I say;

-Look, if you don’t feel the same-

-No, it’s not that. It’s just that no one has ever said that to me. It’s really nice to know that you love me back.

-You do?

-Yeah but I guess I was just so afraid of what you’d think.

-Well, you know that we have a date tonight. It’ll be the best date you’ll ever have but you have to be ready by 7 so that we can make it. I have to go, see you at 7!

 I give her a small kiss on the cheek and storm out of the house. It will be the best night ever.


 After sitting there in silence for a few minutes I check the time. 4.25 p.m. I go upstairs and try to decide on what I’ll wear. I come up with nothing. After spending 40 minutes on what I’m going to wear I decide to wear a dress and wedges. I go to the bathroom to take a shower.

 As I take a shower I rehers what I’m going to say tonight. Do I talk to him like we’re dating or should I be distant? I’m overthinking this and I’ve spent way too much time in the shower. I get out and see that its 5.40 p.m. I really have to get ready.

 I quickly dry and fix my hair, get dressed and apply light makeup. It’s the last 10 minutes and I’m freaking out. He’ll be here and I’m scared that he’ll think I’m overdressed or something. Overthinking.

 I start biting my nails and luckily the bell rings. I open the door to see Cameron in a black suit, the top button not closed. He really cleaned up for this date. He says;

-You look amazing.

-Look at who’s talking? You look really dashing yourself.

-Thank you, well are you ready?

-Yeah,let’s go!

 He opens up my door and turns on the radio. We start singing along all songs and eventually start laughing. Before I can even notice he slowly puts his hand on mine and holds it. I smile shyly and after a few minutes he pulls the car into a parking lot of a restaurant that I’ve never seen. This place looks like you have to get a reservation a few weeks ago. We go inside and a man dressed in a tuxido greets us. He says;

-Do you have a reservation?

-Yeah, we do. It’s for Cameron Dallas.

-Sure, Mr. Dallas. Please follow me.

 We go inside and he sits us to a table that’s more private than the others. I wonder if he asked for this table. I notice that the waiter doesn’t even bother to look this way. I start to get irritated until a waiter brings us food. The food the brought is my favourite. Cameron really planned this date. He’s so sweet. Even the desert is my favourite and this date couldn’t be better. After we finish our deserts he says;

-So, now that we’re done with our deserts we can get to the real date?

-It can’t get better than this!

-Wait ‘til you see!

 We get into a forest road and I really don’t know where we’re going. After 35 minutes of driving and me asking him what is the destination, we finally get to the ‘’real date’’. When we get out of the car only thing that I can say is;



-This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

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