Dare #14

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Beus: this dare is from princess5704 and it doesn't look too nice.. poor Wakiya...

Wakiya: wait, what's gonna happen to me?!

Ker: princess5704  gets to punch you

Beus: and you can't retaliate

Wakiya: dam you. *sighs* just get it over with----

princess5704: *punches Wakiya in the face*

Wakiya: Jeus Christ, that frigging hurt!! Why you---!!

Ker: hey, no retaliating mister

*Rantaro, Shu, Valt, Daigo, Lui, Ben, Zac, Nika and Toko walk over*

Rantaro: hey, what's the next dare---?

Wakiya: *starts cursing*

Shu: *covers Valt's ears*

Lui: *covers Nika's ears* (he can be nice..... sometimes)

Daigo: *covers Toko's ears* Wakiya, you're leaving a bad influence on these kids

Wakiya: *covers his nose* SHUT UP!!

Daigo: *slowly backs away* there's no saving him now

Rantaro: *laughs* you so deserve that dare---!

Wakiya: *punches Rantaro*

Rantaro: OWW!!!

Wakiya: *laughs* who's the one laughing now?

Rantaro: *starts growling*

Shu: we should leave before this gets ugly

Ben: I'm leaving before someone punches me, even though it's impossible

Ker: why's that?

Ben: you can't defeat a beast!!! *roars*

Lui: *rolls eyes* wow, aren't you scary? I'm trembling with fear *sarcastic*

Daigo: I'm leaving before a new fight breaks out

Shu: agreed

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