Ch. 1

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This is my first fan fiction, so sorry if it isn't that good Lol:-)

   Dean woke abruptly to his extremely annoying alarm clock and slammed his fist down on his bed side table two times before finally hitting the off button on the monstrous devise.
   He slowly drags himself out of bed just in time to hear his brother  knock on his door. "You up?" Sam yelled and Dean quickly stood up and opened the door. "Can I take a day off" Dean asked tiredly, to which Sam sighed and replied "Dude, you took off two days last week and you have 20 hours of OCS to complete because of your "days off"? Either get a doctor's note or tell your teachers to cut you some slack."
   As Dean put on a pair of worn out blue jeans and two layers of flannel he thinks about what sammy said...
He knows none of the doctors in town will write me a note and I know for a fact that telling all of my teachers about it will just make things worse-
His thoughts are cut off by his younger brother yelling at him that he has 10 minutes or he is hot wiring the car and driving himself to school. "YOU DO THAT AND I SWEAR I'LL SKIN YOU ALIVE!" 
   As he hastily ran gel through his short, sandy blonde hair he heard Sam open and close the door to his baby starting to play smooth country and began running out the door with his unzipped back pack when a small leather pouch fell to the floor behind him. He yelled a string of profanities as he grabbed at the bag and finally made it out the door and to his little brother who was smuggly waiting for a ride to school (only 1 year apart).
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Castiel has been up for 2 hours already before his alarm went off at 5:30. As he is putting the final touches on his art project his older brother Gabriel pushed his door open and is is leaned up against it saying "I can hear the unappreciated talent all the way in my room" while pointing at Cas' iPod that was playing Beethoven's Midnight Sonata on loop. "Damn right, it is unappreciated. I'll turn it down sorry" Castiel said as he started to pack his things and gently put his project into its protective cover. As he looks over at his desk he sighs and picks up his Algebra 2 book to put it in his pack. Why couldn't I just hold out till next year? Now I have to switch down to a lower math class in the MIDDLE of my sophomore least my parents are letting me continue with my fine arts classes and clubs he thinks to himself. After running to put his things in the car, he tries to tame his mess of black hair and pulls on a pair of black slacks and a grey/purple plaid shirt.

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As Sam and Dean pull into a parking spot, Dean spots his girl friend Lisa.
   Lisa is a Junior and is the head cheer leader for her boyfriends football team AKA The Blue Saints... yes, Sam and Dean attend Catholic school. His "father" had insisted on all of the children going to a more upkept school. When i say father i am talking about his legal guardian- When Dean was only 4 his mother died in a house fire and his father drank himself to death shortly after, their very close family friend and his wife adopted the two young boys. Bobby and Ellen already had a little girl named jo that was attending a religious elementary school (reason for them attending one as well) that was Dean's age, so the 3 of them grew up together and are nearly inseparable today.
   Lisa ran up and draped her hands around Deans neck while pulling him into a short peck of a kiss. "Hey babe" Dean said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Where were you on Thursday and Friday?", dean slightly backed up and glanced to the pavement at his feet "I wasn't feeling so good and decided to take a couple days off" he lied. "Well, maybe you should go to a doctor or something? You seem to be getting sick alot" Lisa said as they began walking to class.

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As Gabriel approached the loading doc for the band hall, he slowed down and turned to face his brother. "Hey, don't be nervous about today, I know it seems like the first day of school all over again because that class fucked up your schedule, but I bet you'll be just fine! Oh and don't worry about the art thingy, from what I saw you did great..." Castiel said a quick thank you and grabbed his  instrument case and  backpack, but before he got out, threw a small bag of lolly pops into his brothers lap. "Ah yes, I nearly forgot about my pament!" he yelled and quickly drove away, leaving Castiel alone on the side walk in front of the school.
   Castiel had been obsessed with fine arts since he was a child and ran into many problems with his family because of it. You see, his mother was a local college professor for religion (why he and his siblings attend this school) and his father is a beusness man and neither had never really appreciated any kind of art besides the psalms that they sang at the church on Sundays. Out of all of the 9 children they had together only 2 had been interested in anything outside of business-ish stuff. His oldest brother Lucifer (now 22) was the at one point the only artistic Novak in the entire family, but after a run in with drugs and the failure to go to school, he lost all credit, possible art scholarships and even lost his place in our family. Then there was 20 year old Michael (air force), 19 year old Anna ( law and justice), 19 year old Raphiel (politics) the 18 year old twins samandriel and Gadreel (both going into doctoring), 18 year old Balthazar (accounting and banking), 18 year old Gabriel (has no clue), and finally 17 year old Castiel (band, theatre, and art). As you could probably tell from the overlapping of ages, all of them were adopted except for Lucifer. There mother had barley lived through giving birth to our eldest brother and was strongly advised to not try giving birth two years later, like any normal people his parents went to a soon to be bankrupt orphanage to pick out another child when my father decided to adopt all of the remaining children from the orphanage. Of course it took about 2 full years to get custody of all of the children, but they did it. Although they were very determined to adopt all of them, they were constantly busy and out of town, so technically the system of nannies raised all 9 kids.
   Ever since Lucifer left home, Castiel's parents have been very hesitant to let cas continue on his path to fine arts, but now that his grades were starting to drop he was on even thinner  ice.
   "Well I guess I better get this over with..." castiel then started his treck to his "new" classes.

Like I said, this is my first fan fiction ever so please have mercy on me!!! I'm pretty bad at grammar and I get really confused when it come to tenses and the point of thanks for reading!

The Sounds In SilenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora