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Stars. They are truly beautiful. It's amazing how something can look so incredible and not even try. Stars are one of my favorite things. They always tend to draw me in. Make me stay outside and watch for awhile. And that's just what I did. Every night I watch the stars for hours. I go to the park alone with my thoughts watching the incredible night unfold infront of me. I always went alone. I've never really liked the company of another person. Animals, yes. But people annoy me and distract me. That's why when I felt someone lay in the grass next to me I instantly felt the need to leave. Not because of whoever the person was but because they were invading my favorite time. Although I wanted to go, I stayed. Something about the person next to me made me want to stay, so I did. We both layed in complete silence for over an hour, just gazing at the stars. The only sounds heard were the crickets and our breathing. That was until I heard his voice, "My name's Louis by the way."


Beautiful Thing - Larry Stylinson AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant