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"Beautiful?" He looks on the verge of tears. "Yes. You're beautiful. And I really hope those are happy tears." The tears finally leave as he nods. I smile and he gives me a watery smile in return. "It's weird that I just met you and yet you are being nicer to me then anyone ever has." Shrugging I stand up brushing myself off and reaching my hand out for him to pull him up as well. "That's because most people don't see true beauty. They only see people for what they are on the outside. Now don't get me wrong you have the looks of an angel, angel. But I see more in you. Your inside is even more perfect than your outside. Now I have to go home so where are you going?"  He shrugs his small shoulders. "I'm not really sure. I kind of wish I could just stay here watching the stars forever, with you." I blush at the blue eyed boy. "Yes that would be lovely but unfortunately life doesn't work that way. So again, where to?"

Beautiful Thing - Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now