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So after we ate we went and got ready for bed Michael went to get some more clothes cause he is spending the night today and tm and I have to go to work Monday morning I am so happy that Michael asked me to be his girlfriend I love that man but I praying he is not like my ex and I have not told Michael the full story he use to call me names like you are ugly bitch your fat ass can't go one day without eating I was like his personal slave he made me cook him a meal and if he did not like it he would hit me and say that's why nobody loves you and he left cause after I Kayla my body did not lose that baby fat and because I stretch marks but I am glade Michael came into my life I was in the room getting the bed ready when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me I almost jumped but then I felt Michael voice say it's just me love I melted in his arms I got in the bed waiting for Michael to get in

I took everything off except my boxers I got in bed and I wrapped my arms around her as she laid on my chest she winced and then I was about to give her a kiss when she jumped out of bed and throw up everything she ate I was holding her hair back and rubbing her back I ask was everything okay she said yeah she brushed her teeth then got in the bed I kissed her forehead and said gn I turned on the tv and watch some football then I turned the t.v. off and snuggle up to my baby

Ahhh yes right there daddy mmmmm baby I am about to cum after I felt his got seed in me I rolled over and was breathing hard he was to baby I love you so much I was about to kiss him but I got up and ran for the bathroom and throw up and morris was right there holding my hair back baby I think I might be pregnant he said well let's not get our hopes up I said you are right we will find out in the morning we change the sheets then we laid down and I was laying on morris chest and he was playing in my hair it felt good then I felt my eyes getting low then I fell asleep

I was laying in the bed with Nicki when she said I want a baby I said we could adopt she said that would be great I know my baby wants kids because all she do is baby sit her nieces and nephews we will sign up for us to get a little baby her birthday is coming up I guess I will surprise her because I know my baby wants kids really bad and I don't care if my kid grows up to be straight 👫 or gay 👭 I would love him or her so very much but I am going to call it a night

So I am laid up with Corbin and he is playing with my hair so I was thinking I might need to go to the doctor to see if I can have children because if not I don't want you to be with someone who can't you children and you hate me for the rest of my life by now I was full blown tears and Corbin pulled me close and said I would never want to leave you just because you can't give me children and no matter what the doctor say it's what the Lord say cause he's the only one that can tell you stuff not nobody else and baby I am not with you for the kids I am with you because I am madly in love with you I smiled then I started kids him and rubbing on him and said you done started something and he pulled the sheets over our heads I squealed

I was laying on boris chest and blue was on the outside of us when Boris said he wants me to have his kid I said sure I said we have been married for a long time now and I think it's time for blue to have a baby brother or sister and he said yes we kiss then he turned on the Parker we were watching it and quietly laughing so that we won't wake up blue and the I had a feeling something was going to happen but I shook it off and fell asleep in my husband arms and then I felt him wrap his arms around me and said I love you my queen and I mumbled I love you my king and I was out like a light

No one
Shut your bitch ass up you are just like your her fat and ugly why are you doing this you use to be my favorite uncle no look at you hitting on women like who does that he grabbed me and tried to take off my clothes but I kicked him in the balls and ran as fast as I can away for her I can't take it no more he always hit me make me do his clothes and cook for him his girlfriend is not alive because he beat her to death that's not going to happen to me nope I ran till I was on that person I been looking for I raised my hand to knock and you know who answer the door it was....................

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