Chapter 7: Meeting Celebrities and Family Drama

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Ross's POV

I was watching TV when my phone started to ring. I couldn't reach it so I let it ring. When it went to the voicemail, I heard Lexi's frantic voice and I sat up.

"Ross! You stupid idiot! Why don't you answer your damn phone? This is an emergency! Macey's gone missing! She just walked out the door and she took the car and she just took off. C'mon idiot! The girl you like has gone..." she was cut off but I didn't need to hear anymore.

Macey was gone and I needed to find her.

Wherever she is.


Macey's POV

I drove to my father's house.

I haven't been there in over a year.

Because of what happened.

Let's not think about that now Macey. You just need to get there and get out.


I walked into Taco Bell because I was really hungry. I walked up to the line and bumped into to someone.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I cried. He dropped all his food over the floor.

"Don't worry about it." he said as he looked up.

"Please let me buy you more food. How much was it?"

He looked at me. "I really don't need you to do that. I think you need the money more than I do."

Oh yeah. I forgot that I haven't taken a shower in 2 days.

"Well don't mind me. I'm going to a hotel tonight actually."

"Don't you know that all the hotels are full? You chose the wrong weekend to come into town. You can come to my house. I'm Shane." He held out his hand.

"Macey." I took his hand and shook it. I looked into his eyes and gasped.

"Oh my gosh! You're Shane Dawson!" I whispered/squealed.

"Why are you whispering?" he asked.

"Do you want people to know you're here?"

"Good point. Let's get out of here." He turned to leave.

"What about your food?"

He turned back around. "Oh yeah. You can wait outside if you want."

"No I'll just wait in my car. Honk three times when you're ready to go." I walked outside and started thinking. About Ross.

No Macey. Push him out of your head.

But every time I leave a famous person, I bump into another one.


Ross's POV

I met Lexi at the apartment with Rocky. She looked like she was about to cry when she opened the door.

"Lexi, what happened before she left?" Rocky asked her.

"Well she stormed into the apartment and I guess something earlier made her upset. But when I walked in to talk to her, she flipped out at me!" Lexi tried to sniffle a sob.

"It's all my fault," Lexi and I whispered at the same time.

"How is it your fault?" Again, that was spoken at the same time.

"How is it your fault Ross?" Rocky asked. They both looked at me as I looked at the floor.

"Ok, well. We got called into Management today and she was asked to be my girlfriend. When I wasn't taking the situation seriously, she got mad at me and pinned me against a wall." I remembered something and suddenly felt furious.

"She actually pinned me to a wall because I knew you guys were hiding something and she wanted to know. She wanted to know why I hesitated when she said you guys weren't rushing into anything."

I began to raise my voice now. I was truly upset.

"You guys are rushing into things! How could you love each other if you met less than a week ago?!" I glared at them as they looked at each other.

"That's it? You're not even going to acknowledge that you're the reason she ran away?"

They still said nothing.

"You don't even care?! I'm done with you guys. I'm outta here!"

I turned and slammed the door. Now neither of them have a car.

Serves them right.


Macey's POV

Shane's house was huge! As I walked in, all I could think of is wow.

"Shane! Is that you?" a feminine voice called out. She walked into the room.

"Oh my GOSH! You're Lisbug! I can't believe I'm meeting you!!" I squealed.

"Who is this?" She looked at me with curiosity.

And something else.

"Baby, this is Macey who needed a place to stay."

"Oh okay. How old are you?"

I was shocked that she was talking to me.

"Oh um, I'm 21. I'll be 22 in two months. "

"Really? You don't look a day over 18."

"Oh I get that a lot." I sighed.

"You must be tired. Lisa, can you show Macey her room?" Shane asked while looking for a drink in the overly sized fridge.

"Sure." She lead me up the stairs am through a huge maze if hallways.

We stopped in front of a door.

"Here we are. The bathroom is in there if you want to take a shower."

"Thank you so much Lisa! It's an honor to be in your home."

She looked at me and I saw a hint of a smile.

"Goodnight." She closed the door in my face.


Ross's POV

I've been driving around for hours and I don't know what to do. I go home to think. The second I park the car, I run into the house and up to my room. Rydel came up a few minutes later.

"Hey little bro! Where's Rocky?"

"At his soulmate's house," I mumbled.

"Wait, WHAT? Rocky has a soulmate? And he didn't tell me?!" She shrieked so loud that my headache returned.

"He met her 3 days ago. You're not missing out." I groaned and rolled over.

"What's up with you?" She looked at me as if she wanted to get something out of me.

"Well, let's see. Management are bastards and the girl I like has run off because of my brother and his stupid girlfriend! Happy?" I pulled the covers over my head.

"Oh c'mon you big baby! We'll find your girlfriend. But I think we need Rocky's soulmate to find her."

"I don't need them!" I growled.

"She knows your girlfriend way better than you do. Think about it, Ross." Rydel stood up to leave.

"She's not my girlfriend," I told her. She turned around.

"But you want her to be." She walked out and closed the door behind her.

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