The Feeling

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    "Alright, come on, Delaney! All you!"
    My Louisville sits upright on my right shoulder and my pulse beats like drums at a rock show. I try to level my breathing with deep breaths while succeeding in ignoring the hoots and hollers and cheers from my teammates and the packed stadium. 43 feet away, the pitcher steps upon the mound and begins her millisecond wind-up and before I know it, the yellow ball is flying toward the plate and the judgement is made. I keep my eyes pinned on the circle, spinning toward me at 65 miles per hour, and then it's gone. My feet are in motion, already approaching first base and rounding...
    Heading towards second, I look to my coach by third base and he's waving me on, so I pound my feet into the dirt and head towards third base as my teammate sprints for home. She's the run we need in order to tie. My coach shouts DOWN DOWN DOWN and I go down, my left foot slinging underneath me while my right hits the base. A plunk slaps my back and the umpire makes his call... I'm safe! And now I'm the run needed to win the game! The final pressure is on.
    My teammate Sydney is up next. It's a hit or miss, literally and figuratively. I take my lead off as the pitcher winds up again. Sydney swings and misses. Strike one. We do it over. She winds up, I lead off, she doesn't swing. Strike. We do it again. My heart races. This could be it. Wind up, lead off, she swings. Foul ball. A wave of a relief passes over me for a few moments before we do it again. She winds up, I lead off, and it's a line drive between third base and short stop, the perfect place. They both dive to get it but miss, and I'm off! The catcher braces herself for the catch and I go head first into home plate... I'm safe again and the game is done! We won! Ballgame!
    The ump calls it and the team runs out, abandoning their bats and gloves. Sydney runs up behind me and jumps on my back. I give her a hard smack on her helmet and words of praise are thrown around from my teammates and coaches. Definitely worth getting my sleep. This feeling tops everything.
    After our after-game huddle, we get out of our cleats and switch into our running shoes. Then we put our gear into the shed outside the field and head our own separate ways. As usual, I'm on my own.
    A pair of feet beat behind me. "Hey!" I look around. "We did good today, huh? Good job out there."
    "Thanks, Sydney. It was all you; couldn't have done it without ya."
    "Pfft. Yeah right. You're such an asset for us. We were not like this last year. I mean, the seniors who left were amazing, but somehow you make up for all of them combined. You're seriously talented, Delaney."
    "Okay, now you're making me blush in public," I laugh. "That means a lot to me. Thank you."
    "You're welcome! Hey, what hall are you again?"
    "Marx. You?"
    "I'm Marx, too! I don't know how I didn't remember that. Hey, do you have any plans for tonight? Like for dinner, or anything?"
    I shake my head. "Just planned on doing some more studying and catching up on some work."
    "But it's a Saturday! You wanna get some dinner? Later? After freshening up and some down time if you need it."
    I know I should focus on my exam, but something in me doesn't want to turn her down. "Yeah, sure; I guess I could use a break," and a friend. "Can I see your phone?" I punch my number in and hand her iPhone back to her. "Just text me whenever and we'll figure something out."
    I scan my key to get us into the building. "Okay!" She says excitedly. "What floor are you?" I see she presses 8. I press 13 and await the reaction. It's typical. "13?" She raises her eyebrows. "Spooky." I giggle. The elevator opens to the 8th floor. "I'll see ya soon!"
    I smile. "See you soon."

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