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-Enochs POV-

   I glared at <Y/N> from where I was seated. Miss Peregrine continued about how we needed to be on your best behaviour now that a new 'Ymbryne' was staying here. I do not actually believe that this kid could be a Ymbryne. Everyone knows that Ymbrynes can only be females. The only man that I saw that turned into a bird was Miss Peregrine's brother, and he was obviously dangerous. Which could only mean that boy is dangerous as well. Someone is going to either rid of him from this house before he hurts anyone or keep a close eye on him. 

-Your POV-

   Everyone retired to their rooms for the night and you got into the pajamas that were on the edge of the bed. The pajamas were light gray with long sleeves and buttoned up in the front. you sat down to read your book as someone knocked on the door. you got up and opened it and on the other side was Enoch who pushed Jacob and Emma into your room. you looked at them startled.

   "So what's the plan?" Enoch grumbled before you could say anything. He was blocking the only door to the room.

   "What plan?" you asked.

   "Don't play dumb" Enoch glared "We know what you are up to."

   Your eyes jumped around the room looking for an escape route or something to fight them off with. The only way out was a window, and it was too high to leap from. Your eyes met Jacob and Emma's who only glared at you, Jacob's eyes kinder than Emmas.

   "You are not going to escape." Enoch growled. you just stood there staring at him questionably.

   Then after a moment Enoch snapped. He started yelling about how you were dangerous and how you had plans to hurt the kids here. Wanting him to stop you tried to tell him that you did not have any plans of hurting anyone but he just yelled over you. Enoch started closing in on you and pushed you over still yelling. He then pinned you to the floor and he raised his fist to punch you. You closed your eyes and prepared for his fist to meet your face. Instead he punched the floor beside your face a few times and got up and stormed out of the room.

   Emma still had a stern look on her face and Jacob looked a little startled as he watched Enoch walk into his room, which was across the hall from yours. Enoch slammed the door to his room. Emma and Jacob left your room and you got up off of the floor. 

   'What's with Enoch?'  You wondered while closing your door and getting into bed.


   The morning sun shone through the window and made the room look like something you would see in a movie. It was perfect and very pretty. You  got dressed before you headed downstairs. You saw Emma talking with Olive about something that seemed serious due to the look on Olive's face in the dining room.' Probably about me.' Miss Peregrine glanced at you from the kitchen as she got four mugs out of the cabinet. 

   "<Y/N> come here!" Olive squeaked.

   You walked over to where Olive and Emma were, expecting some yelling to happen. Instead Emma smiled at you lightly and pulled out a chair for you to sit. 

   "What is it like to be a ymbryne?" Olive asked as you sat down. "What was life like before you came here? Where did you come from? What bird do you turn into?" Olive's questions piled up before you answered even one. 

   "Well uh-" You started. Olive sat looking at you with wonder as you told her about what life was like before you arrived and answering her questions. "I do not know how to turn into a bird, sorry" You said as she asked you to turn into a bird.

Stolen Heart /Enoch x Reader (male)\Where stories live. Discover now