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This one is from a teacher of mine. Great guy but he swears on his pride that this one is true. It was during his college days. He was living in an apartment with 3 other guys. They had been living there for a couple weeks when weird stuff started to happen. It all started in one of the bedrooms. The

bed was on a huge wrought iron bed frame and was in front of a wall outlet. This was the outlet that the bedside light had to be plugged into. Every so often the lamp cord would be unplugged and thrown out of place. He thought it was just his friends being clever (emphasis on the plural because this thing was HEAVY).

Weird s–t happened for the next couple weeks, but it was an older apartment and neighbors will be neighbors and old buildings have their quirks, so they wrote it off as nothing. One night they had some friends come over so one of them had to sleep in the futon in the living room. The friend was woken up in the middle of the night for no real reason but when he opened his eyes, there was a thin blonde girl hunched on the ground next to him. Now not much can make a 6’4″ 250 lb tough guy panic, but this did. He just stared hollering and yelping for his friends to come out as he grabbed for every square inch of the sheets. His friends thought he was just messing with them, but his face said otherwise. They just hung out for the rest of the night until he calmed down. They eventually ordered pizza just because they were no longer tired.When the delivery guy got here he was surprised, “Hey this was my old place when I was in school.” My teacher chuckled “hey did weird s–t happen when you lived here?” The pizza guy went blank. “Oh f–k, you’ve seen her too?” They moved out the next day.

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