Love & Care

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I've realized a couple things recently
There's a handful of people who actually love me
Who care
But more people just don't give a shit
I care
I love
But what do I get in return?
Don't get me wrong I know I'm loved But when I think about it I just wish the people who love me were the people who're supposed to
When I see how much other mothers care for their kids I want that
When a dad smiles or says I'll kill the boy...
I want that
I guess I'm selfish
But what can I do?
After all you have your problems too
Dead beat dads?
Psychotic mothers?
Sexually driven siblings?
Everyone has their thing
Who am I to talk?
I just want to be heard more often than not
To be seen as the level of maturity I posses
But I must digress
When I put their love and care to the test
It shriveled back into the pits of darkness

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