Cry For Help

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Why don't you save me?

This is my cry for help.

It doesn't matter,

But I haven't been doing so well,

Hiding behind my walls

I still wasn't safe from myself.

It doesn't matter,

But I'm not okay,

I've been thinking about this

Every day,

And it's slowly eating me away.

Why won't you save me?

This is my cry for help.

I'm afraid I can't do this

By myself.

I took the left path

And lost my way,

Now I've got too many problems

That I have to fix,

I counted them up

All the way to six-hundred and sixty-six.

Now I'm crying for help.

Some people want to live forever,

But I got lost in Alexandretta

And never found my Holy Grail.

Living seems futile now,

But if you want to save me

You can find my sailing

Down the River Styx

Looking for my way to Hades.

This is my cry for help.

All I want to do is sail away,

I never mattered anyway,

No, I'm not okay,

But if you care

Just say you want me to stay.

This is your last chance,

Because this is my only cry for help,

Ignore it and I'll be gone,

Left to find my way on my own,

Don't worry, I'll be fine.

Out of sight and out of mind.

I cried for help, but no one heard,

It doesn't matter if they'll forget my name,

Just know, I had to escape the pain,

The lines, the cuts, life just isn't the same

This was my cry for help that no one heard,

Thanks for everything,

Saving me would have been too hard anyway.

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