Chapter 1

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Another day on the Isle of the Lost. Another day causing havoc and another day plotting my revenge. If only I can break the magic barrier but without the wand it's impossible. So, I'm stuck on this stupid floating jail cell.

Anyway, I took the shortcut to Ursula's Fish and Chips which was through a jewelry store. I took a couple of rings and continued on my way.

I just realized I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Cece, daughter of Chernabog, one of the most feared villains on the Isle, which makes me one of the most feared descendants on the Isle. I get what I want and I hear no complaints unless the people want to deal with my father but they know better than to talk back to me. I'm years old and Co leader with Uma, daughter of Ursula of a pirate gang. But I wasn't always just Uma's friend. I was also Carlos, son of Cruelly De Vil's best friend until he left me behind for Auradon. I remembered his exact words when he was about to leave, "As soon as we grab the wand and break the barrier, I'm coming back for you." Those words were pure lies. Sometimes they echo in my head when I go to deep in thought. I even still have the bracelet he gave me the day he left. Everybody asks why I still wear it. All I say is, "It reminds me to look out for myself".But I'm over it now, I have Uma, Harry, son of Captain Hook and Gil, my boyfriend. Yeah, he asked me out four months ago and I said yes since I had a crush on him when we were kids. He's the best but an idiot.

Anyway, I made it to the chips shop and barged the crooked double doors open. There was a sign that said, Sword Check. I pulled my sword out and placed it in the basket. Yeah I know it's weird that the daughter of a demon carries a sword but it's so shiny and makes me look more scary which I like.

I made my way towards Gil, Harry and the pirate gang. I hit one of the dude's shoulder, bucking at him to move. He flinched and moved away. I sat down and Gil shoved a plate of food towards me and I immediately dug right in. It was kind of disgusting but it was better than starving.

Harry turned on the tv and Mal, daughter of Maleficent, was on it. Surronded by paparazzi. I growled and threw a peice of shrimp at the tv. Uma came out of the back and gave Harry his tray. She glanced at the tv and as soon as she saw Mal, she took some food off of Harry's plate and threw it at the tv as well.

"Poser" She spat, shaking her hand clean. "Traitor!" Harry also spat. Everyone laughed, "Hello?" She said. They all threw food at the tv as well. I rolled my eyes. "I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces" Harry said. "You know what I mean?" I glanced at Gil, who was stuffing his face. "Gil! You wanna stop stuffing your face with yolks and get with the program?" Gil gulped the rest of his food, "Yeah, babe, what they said" Again, I rolled my eyes.

"That little traitor who left us in the dirt." Uma continued on. "Who turned her back on evil" Harry added on, "And who refused to grab the wand that would've led to our freedom" I piped in. "And who said that you two weren't big and bad enough to join her gang" Gil added, putting his tray up. We all stared at him in silence. A parrot squawked. "When we were kids. Come on guys you remember. She called Uma Shrimpy and Cece Shortie and the names just..." He paused once he saw Uma and I glaring at him. "stuck" he finished. I threw a peice of shrimp at him.

Uma turned towards Harry and I, "That snooty little witch, who grabbed everything she wanted and left us nothing" Gil spoke up, again."Now that I think about it, Carlos was the one who left Cece with nothing and Mal said Uma can have that sandbox and-" I slammed my hands down on the counter, "I need you to stop talking! Please" "Look we have her turf now. They can stay in Bore-adon" Harry said.

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