Chapter 2

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"Gil! Where are you?!" I shouted. I was currently looking for Gil since he wandered off.

Running my fingers through my black hair with dark purple highlights, I continued on. I walked down the tunnel shortcut to the other side of the Isle. When I was about to come out, I came upon a black limo covered with a tarp. What the?

"It feels really weird being back here" One voice said.

"We'll get in and get out" Another voice replied.

Making sure I wasn't seen, I peered out to see. No couldn't be. Evie, Jay and Carlos?! Also, there was someone else with them. It was another boy. I squinted my eyes, it was King Ben. They must be here for Mal. Earlier today, Harry told me she was back to take her territory. Like that would happen.

They walked away towards the alley, with me trailing silently behind. Apparently, the King doesn't know what it means to be bad. He actually tried to shake someone's hand. Can you believe that?

Since Ben wasn't getting the hang of it, they broke out into a song singing about chillin' like a villain or whatever. Then they bumped into my boyfriend. Who was clueless at first then recognized Ben from the poster that I spray painted "Bore-adon" on in black and purple. They hurried away and Gil went to tell Uma and I.

I continued following them. I snickered to myself, this should be good. They lead me to Mal's home and Ben went to talk to Mal. A few minutes later, he came back without her. Aww, purple head decided to stay. Ben wandered away as Evie, Jay and Carlos started talking. I decided to attack.

I jumped out at Ben. "Who are you?" He asked.

I grabbed him and threw him down. Then took him to the our ship, Lost Revenge.

"Ben?" I heard Evie ask.

I walked out and towards them with my head down. "Ben don't scare us like that" Evie said.

I lifted my head up, "Do I scare you? That's my speciality" Carlos eyes widened, I smirked.

"Cece" Evie glared.

"What did you with Ben?" Jay said.

"Oh, Ben is being taken care of by Uma on the Lost Revenge. I want Mal to come to the Chips shop tonight, Alone." I replied. "But enough about Ben, why are you guys back on our turf?"

"That's none of your business!" Jay said.

"Look, Cece. We're not here for any trouble, we're here for Mal. Just let Ben go and we'll be on our way" Carlos said, finally speaking up.

I smirked and patted his cheek, "Aww that's cute. You think it's that easy"

Jay growled and came towards me but Evie held him back. I smirked and teased him, "What you gonna do, rough me up?"

"Cece, just give us Ben. We're not here for any trouble" Evie said.

I shook my head and clicked my tongue, "That's just ashame. I mean, who knew the children of Maleficent, Evil Queen, Jafar and Cruella De Ville would suddenly turn good all because they spent a little time in Auradon? You know, home of pretty princesses and perfect princes. Their time is up, we are the Isle and we are coming. You'll see for yourselves, you guys will forever be the kids from the Isle of the Lost. No matter how much you run away from the title. It will always stick"

I slowly backed away into the darkness, "Purple head better be at the chips shop tonight or else it's bye bye king"

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