The Castle Season 1 - Episode 4

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Amelia reigned her emotions in as quickly as she made the mistake of letting them out. Logan Khalil was here. When her boss had told her about the opportunity with The Castle she knew it was not going to be something she'd be able to turn away from, or go back to the FBI once she knew about it. Here she was, stuck with him and reliving the heartbreak all over again. When you build your dreams on forever only to discover the ties were so easily broken it changes your opinion on love and happily ever after.

"Obviously," Bill said. "You two know each other and because of your history I decided it would be best for you both to work on the same team.

As if everything Amelia had seen today hadn't already shocked, her amazed her, what this organization was a part of, hearing with her ex was a part of it was something strong enough to make her want to leave and find a new profession.

Assuming they would let her leave.

When she had a moment alone she was going to have to seriously think about which was going to be better staying here and working with him, or there was always the possibility of death.

Logan gave her one of his half smiles and said, "There's no one better that I'd want on my team than you."

Amelia nodded, she didn't trust her voice at this point.

"Good, good, good," Bill said. "Now that we have all of this out of the way let's head upstairs and meet the rest of the team. I'll bring you up to speed and we have an assignment for you guys to go on tomorrow night."

Bill motioned for them to walk back up the stairs to Level One and she followed him. Ignoring Logan's stare as she walked by him. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of even looking at him. She couldn't be one hundred percent sure but she thought she felt his fingers brush against her arm as she passed him by almost as if he wanted to reach out for her, but he knew better. Maybe he had learned a thing or two since they'd been apart. She almost wanted him to touch her so she could take him down, and pin him to the floor and hurt him physically like he'd hurt her emotionally.

Without a word, the three of them ascended the stairs and went to the conference room closest to where her office was. Looking at the one next to her's she could clearly see it had Logan written all over it. From the messy piles of paperwork to his leather jacket thrown over the arm of the couch to the Chicago Cubs paraphernalia on the one solid wall of his office. She should have known when she first saw it.

Taking a seat as far away from Logan's as possible she sat between a petite, well dressed woman and a man who looked like he just threw on first articles of clothing he put his hands on while heading out the door to catch some waves. Amelia smiled and nodded to them and waited for Bill to begin.

"Amelia this is Mariam Jensen, she is the weapons and demolition expert on your team. And on the other side we have Daniel Black he is your technical support. He's able to disarm any security system, or hack into anything anywhere. If you need information, he'll be able to get it for you."

"Seriously." He leaned closer to her. "You say the word and I'll get you whatever you want. Whatever."

"And he's also the biggest flirt we have here," said Marian.

"Hey, you say that like it's a terrible, horrific thing. Flirting is my superpower." He wiggled his eyebrows. "It gets me into all kinds of places, you know, the kind you could only dream of honey."

Mariam rolled her eyes. "You'll get used to him and learn to ignore him, quickly. Unfortunately, we must keep him around because he is very good at what he does."

Before Daniel could respond Bill held up his hand. "Let's get back to business please." He waited for everyone to look at him.

Quickly Amelia grabbed pen and paper to make notes, while she didn't have an exact photographic memory, it was close and she found if she at least wrote everything down the odds of her remember all of it were almost perfect. Then she would simply destroy the paper and not have to worry about it getting into the wrong hands.

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