Chapter 3

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My mother narrows her eyes at Tobias. "So you just have heartbreak."

Tobias looks at her like she swallowed nightlock. "No, she was more than that. She was my best friend, my shield, my soul."

"Well, Mother, do you have anything that can help him in any way?" I ask.

She shrugs. "I'll see what I can do." She whips out things from cabinets and drawers. Without Prim's help, though, she has to do twice as much as work.

"Come to the garden with me. You can meet Peeta." I beckon him to follow me.

He follows. "So, the whole thing about the disoriented memories. . ." Tobias doesn't finish, but I know what he implies.

"Well, been there, done that. Long story short, we mended it. He believed us, and he regained all his memories."

I see Peeta playing with my daughter, Rue, as he's lying stomach down. The expression on his face is priceless. So happy. Timeless. He notices me, and so does Rue. "Mommy!  You're here!" she shrieks. "Hey, Katniss," Peeta waves at me. "Who's the intimidating guy in tattoos?"

I give Peeta a playful shove. "This intimidating guy in tattoos needs our help. His name is Tobias Eaton. He's trying to get over the death of a loved, close, treasured person. It isn't easy," I say, shooting him a look. He remembers during the rebellion, and the deaths of fellow victors and fellow friends.

Peeta gets serious. "Yeah. I know."

Tobias smiles at Rue. "And what's your name, pretty girl?"

Rue shyly clasps her hands. "Rue. Rue Mellark."

Tobias closes his eyes and is no doubt imagining this life for himself. This life for him and Tris.

My mother comes out holding a glass full of bright blue liquid. "Don't worry, it's not alcohol, and it'll help you relax and feel not as. . .tense."

Tobias grabs the drink gratefully and swallows. "That," he comments, "was disgusting."

We laugh. I know I made a new friend. And Peeta, and my mother. It's the least I can do, especially after everything that I put them through.

"Tobias, is it?" Peeta asks.

"Yes. Tobias."

"Can you tell me a bit about yourself? What's your story?" Peeta inquires, leaning forward on his elbows.

Then Tobias describes a tale like mine, starting with peace, stability, and division, and ending with chaos, war, rebellion, loyalty, and strategy. He talks of different factions. Dauntless. Abnegation. Candor. Erudite. And the divergent. I think I would be a Divergent if I lived in his world. I do bring disorder and confusion wherever I go.

As he finishes, I don't realize he has us all captivated, even little Rue. Jaws dropped, eyes open, expressions shocked.

Tobias looks at all of us. "You should see yourselves," he says with a laugh. "Thanks, Mrs. Everdeen. I think the drink is working."

My mother inclines her head. "I just wish I could do more."

Peeta changes the conversation flow. "Well, Tobias. It was nice meeting you. Really. I would love to see you again." A noise dings! from inside the house.

"Oh, that must be my bread." Peeta starts to get up. "Today is sourdough."

Blech. I know, I know, don't be picky when you're in the Hunger Games, well, whatever. Anything but sourdough.

Tobias looks at Peeta with wonder and amazement. "You can bake?" he says with excitement.

Peeta shrugs. "Well, to be modest, yes, I can bake."

"Oh, please. The cakes he makes are amazing. I've never tasted anything better," I brag.

Tobias breathes in and out fast. "Do you, by any chance, make chocolate cake?"

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