Chapter Seven

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The next week passed, and nothing much happened. Sherlock had yet to acknowledge Mycroft again, John's sign language progressed quickly, Sherlock managed to make up semi-believable excuses for all his new and recurring cuts and bruises, and Moran and his bullies had a new leader in Jim Moriarty, who never straight out announced he was the leader but Sherlock could tell. The bullies tactics were too clever to be their own. He felt betrayed... but pushed it aside. Feelings wouldn't help anything.

But there were other feelings that had come up as well, feelings that were much harder for him to ignore. Feelings that he didn't understand. He had pushed himself away from affection towards anything, pushed away all forms of what people called love. And yet somehow... somehow John of all people...

Sherlock couldn't be sure what was happening. But what he thought it was scared him.

He was falling in love with John Watson.

And he knew that there was no way John would ever love him back.

The Freak who can't talk, the teenager obsessed with solving crimes, the boy nobody loves. There was no way John, amazing, fantastic John, would be the one to break that trend.


It was Friday night. One week and two days since Jim had switched sides. One week and three days since he'd met John. Things had happened so fast.

Sherlock was hiding in his room at Mrs. Hudson's place when he got a text from John. He picked up his phone.

Hey. -JW

He sighed. Hey  was the most useless text anyone could ever send. What was the point? But he didn't tell John this.

Hello. -SH

How are you doing? -JW

Fine. I'm at a neighbor's place. -SH

Why aren't you at home? -JW

Sherlock hesitated.

Parents are out. -SH

But you have an older brother, right? -JW

Kinda pissed at him at the moment. -SH

Ah. -JW

Sherlock wasn't sure how he could reply to that, so he didn't. A couple seconds later he got another text.

Are you doing anything this weekend? -JW

I don't think so, why? -SH

...maybe you'd like to get some coffee with me or something...? -JW

Sherlock froze.

Are you... asking me on a date? -SH


John froze. I didn't expect him to be so up front with that sort of question. Hell, I don't even know what his sexuality is! He could be straight! He thought for a moment before typing...

I guess so.. is that okay? Are you...? -JW


Sherlock understood exactly what John was asking. The corner of his mouth went up into a tiny smile.

100% gay. You? -SH

Bisexual. -JW

OK. And I'd love to have coffee with you. -SH

Great! Wh

The text was sent unfinished and Sherlock felt his blood run ice cold.

John?? -SH

No reply.

John, what happened??? -SH

There was a moment's pause.

Come and find him, Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock physically couldn't move.

You have until 7:30am Monday.

A/N GUYS WE GOT TO THE JOHNLOCK PART. And also shit went down pretty damn fast.

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