keep going

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We were all sitting around in the living room watching a movie when thoughts of last night would keep coming to the surface I kept trying to ignore it but it wasn't that simple especially when there was one main part that would replay over and over again.
"We're not happy I can't seem to make her happy anymore....I could be happy again though"
I looked over at luke and I couldn't tell if he was just really focused on the movie or was lost in thoughts as well. I tapped his knee and he turned and looked at me and I nudged my head towards the kitchen and he nodded.
Lu- what's up
L- I know we're supposed to be forgetting about what happened last night and I'm trying I swear I am but I can't I can't forget what you said so I gotta know is it true
Lu- remind me please cause last night's events are playing in my head but the only talking coming to mind is my dirty talk
I couldn't help the giggle in which he even laughed at as well
L- before we actually did it you know um when you said you weren't happy anymore and how you could be soon
Lu- well yeah its true I mean you've seen how me and her are lately it's just fight after fight
L- then no offense luke if you're not happy and all you do is fight then why are you guys still together
Lu- I don't know I just can't bring myself to break up with her we've been through alot so I guess I kinda figured this is just another little bump in the road
L- I see
Lu- but I don't think that's what it was I think I just really can't be happy with her I think I was right last night I would be happy soon but I need your help for that
L- how would I help you with that
Lu- maybe continue doing what we did last night but minus the drunk part
L- behind arzayleas back
Lu- yeah at least for a little while
L- keep a secret from them too
Lu- yeah is that ok
L- yeah
Lu- ok so are you up for it
L- mhmm
Lu- awesome
He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me lightly then pulled away.
L- we should probably go back
Lu- probably so continue this later tonight
L- sounds good

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