Chapter 22: Personal Ties

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Tenma woke up disoriented and with a throbbing pain on the back of his head. Groggy, discombobulated and not without significant hurt, he groaned and threw his shoulders back, blinking and trying to gain some sort of consciousness.

The first two things he noticed were that it was dark and that he couldn't move. He knew his eyes were open, so wherever he was, the lights were off and there were no windows to be had - and he was tied down to a chair. Judging by how his bindings cut into his skin and hurt pretty badly, he guessed they were wires. Wonderful.

Where was he?

There was a soft click and light flooded in immediately, making Tenma squeeze his eyes shut from the sudden retinal pain. When they'd recovered enough to open, he did, finding himself in a room he recognized greatly.

And a man he also recognized greatly.

"Stone," he rasped.

The former-President simply offered him a small smile as he gently covered the distance of the room and sauntered up to his trussed doctor, the former-General in tow.

"Hello, Dr. Tenma," he greeted lightly, hands laced diplomatically in front of him. He peered down at his captive with interest in his beady eyes. The close-cropped hair Tenma remembered was oddly longer and shaggy now, and his normal government-like wear had been replaced with government-issued navy prison wear. But that was the only difference. The taught shoulders and impeccable posture remained, as did the dangerous drawl. "We meet again, and on better terms."

"I wouldn't call this better," Tenma snapped, struggling against his bindings, but they held fast. He recognized them now. They were wire, but his wire. Left over from...

"What do you want with me?" he breathed, not wanting to think of it. It didn't matter. He couldn't break free, and he knew exactly where he was.

The lab.

The lab.

The cracked lab table was still there. Tenma vaguely wondered if anyone had even set foot in here since then... until now, that is.

If Stone knew what this room meant to him, he didn't let on. "I think you know exactly what I want with you, Tenma," Stone said evenly, waltzing just a couple steps closer. His steps echoed on the metal floor. "There is only ever been one thing I've ever wanted you for."

Tenma grimaced, knowing exactly of what Stone was referring. "I would think your time in prison, however short, might have taught you that your quest for power is pointless," he chided, attempting to maybe get a rise, or at least some discouragement. "The city doesn't want you as their leader, and it never will, not anymore."

To Tenma's surprise, the only reaction he got was a slight, irritated twitch of Stone's upper lip. Otherwise, he seemed unaffected, like the blow to his ideals and to his person didn't bother him in the slightest. Tenma's eyes widened involuntarily. This was not the Stone he remembered. Maybe prison had done something to him.

Maybe it had only made his thirst for power stronger.

Stone began to pace lightly, softly - like he had all the time in the world. Tenma's eyes followed his feet uneasily, any sort of confidence in his situation shaken.

"I suppose you're right," Stone sighed suddenly, and Tenma flinched. "They don't want me for a leader anymore, do they?"

Tenma narrowed his eyes but Stone just shook his head sadly, General Heckler mirroring his actions from behind and still standing - as if not dishonorably discharged - with his hands laced behind him.

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