war began

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King is orderd to his soldiers that get him the friend of boy and then I will kill him because he is also a traitor and he deserves a death .

When the king was talking with soldiers at that moment a commander is come and tells a bad news.

Commander: oh my lord , our enemy kingdom is comeof our side and want to attack us and the create a war .

King: what are you saying , no any one tell me before the day , how is it possible and our soldiers what were they are doing in that kingdom.

Commander: they all were killed by our enemy kingdom no one alive , my lord they know about our detectives and soldiers who were work in their kingdom for us, now the time is very closed they are in the way a miles away for us kingdom , you give the orders to prepare the war.

King: oh I'm so confused, that's it start the war .

Everyone knows in the Kingdom then the war is starts now and enemy Kingdom will come at any moment and they will start a war preparation and everyone is tensed now .

When princess is know about the war , then she awake and get the preparation in her hands because she has no brother he is only one of his father no one her brother and sister , now she is stood up with her father on her father back up support .

A war is starts now , everyone is busy in fighting king is attack from the front and princess is attack from the back side with archiery .

Everyone was busy the war was running in whole day and the last result of war is the army of princess is lost and the opposite king and his army is won and now the opposite king is sitting in throne of princess kingdom and the king and princess was arrested by the opposite king judo

King judo: now look me who is the good and who is the king today you and me tell me.

King is silent and the present king judo is orders to his comander to release all over the prisoners who arrested by old king , and they all were released now and now standing in front of king .

King judo: you all are release now and in my celebration of winning of war you all will go where you want and but I will kill your old king very badly.

Princess: oh Mr take your words back , we know we are lost but we are not a prisoners we are a royals and respectful people's like my father.

King judo: oh who are you my doll , tell me .

Princess: I'm the daughter and princess of this kingdom which you won in war.

King judo: oh yeah my doll , now this kingdom is mine , but my doll your father is respectful person no no my doll , your father was a corrupt king , corrupt person and he is a highly profile corrupt I mean he is the bad a brand baster he is , your father was selling a girls as you like my doll he playing with the respect of girls and his kingdom he was selled how many innocent girls of his kingdom , and you talking about his respect .

Princess: no you are lying he is the good.

King judo: oh yeah , so ask everyone about your kingdom people's are they lying .

Kingdom people's: yes king was a lier a huge corrupt king judo plz kill that baster we beg you .

Princess are weaping now and she starting tears from her eyes , king judo said , yes I will kill everyone all in this kingdom, but first I will kill the king, first I will sale his daughter from on his front of eyes now he can see how sale a girl , when I will sale his daughter in two days .

King judo: ok I declare after two days I will sale the princess the daughter of old king after that I will kill his.

Princess are smiling.

King judo: why are you smiling like crazy.

Princess: yeah I'm smiling , because some one was crazy about me and one day he was told your father is corrupt and one day some one will sale you mark my words , now I'm smiling he was right , I'm fool not understanding about his love and his innocence .

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