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Mothers day.

I dreaded this day so much for the past 4 years of my life. My mom left me in my freshman year of highschool and it was the most devastating thing that happened to me. Every year I cry my eyes out. James told me to come thru last night but I was busy trying to keep myself together and help a friend.

Asia and I were on an off as friends, but that night I heard her drunken cries outside nearly broke my heart. She had been raped and I didnt know what to say or do. She wouldn't allow me to tell anyone and I didn't.

I woke up after the wicked night and it was mothers day. To take my mind off of things I hit up James and made an appointment. I need to get away from the thoughts in my mind. So I headed down stairs. He opened the door and immediately took my clothes off. I was numb and let him. He was licking and kissing everywhere. Then it kicked in, my mom wouldnt want this. So I said no.

"James stop"

"You don't want me to stop. Stop playing." He said as he thrusted into me without the condom. I gasped for air as he picked up the pace.

"I said stop!" I exclaimed getting off the bed.
He walked to me and grabbed my naked body. He caressed me and started kissing my nipples. He kissed my neck, but shit wasnt feeling right. I kept thinking about Asia and how she said no and thought maybe this was happening for me. I said no but he kept going and now I'm not saying anything.

Is this my fault? I thought to myself.

He pushed my head down onto his roommates bed and went back inside of me. He stopped when he realised I was seriois and he let go.

"I said stop." I said putting my clothes on to leave.

I ran up stairs to my room and cried. I dragged my body into the shower and just stood there. My mom didn't want this, I was worth more. I was doing this on her day and I out my self in that position. It was my fault. I wanted to put an end to the escapades once in for all.

*Text Messages*

Yea. Im not coming back down there. You're too aggressive and you dont care that we didn't have a condom. You didn't even listen when i told you to stop.

You literally say stop all the time And you almost never mean it I was gonna stop.

You hurt my wrist! Thats why im not coming down anymore. Everything else was consent except the last part when i said stop. You hurt my wrist

Dani I'm always holding onto you that's literally us we gotta argue and play fight. You went the extra length this time and hurt yourself. Granted I could have let go sooner but at the time I was focused inward and was making sure that I was absolutely calm.

Okay im saying this time was different. I wish you wouldve let go sooner. It honestly scared me. Im being honest with you.

I don't like the way today felt. At all. You honestly made it sound like and acted like I was forcing myself on you. Whether you meant to or not I don't take

*Text Messages*

It ended. I would say mutually. He never spoke to me again and decided to ignore me in public. Pain was honestly all I felt. I was a dumb college girl who thought sex was an outlet, someone could love me, and that I was unworthy of real love. This was just the beginning of my college career, many more experiences to go.

This was just the time I met that one upperclassman, and that time I learned the power of sex, and the time I was almost raped.

The 1st Floor(Extremely SHORT Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt