this took 4 hours

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Ouma laid on Kaede's bed, explaining his current situation to the girl in hopes of advice. 

"Kiibo thinks all these other people would be better matches for me! I have no clue why, he's always saying he isn't good enough, it's so weird!!" Ouma whined, oblivious to Kiibo's lack of confidence. After all, he was a miracle, and to Ouma he was even more than that! Why wouldn't he like himself?

Kaede huffed, shutting her eyes in frustration. She felt bad for Kiibo, having a boyfriend so oblivious must lead to Kiibo's metaphoric heart being broken all the time. She sat next to Ouma, straightening her skirt. "He just thinks you deserve better! He thinks you deserve the best, y'know? Kinda like how you want what's best for your um... Cult thing..." She trailed off, looking to the side. Ouma gasped, jumping to his knees and grabbing Kaede's shoulders from behind. "You think he's gonna leave me?? Kaede you can't let him do that! Fix it!!" He whined. Kaede sighed at his childish behavior, but had a strong feeling that inside he was genuinely upset with Kiibo's actions. Otherwise, why would he be here?

"I can't stop him if..." Kaede shook away her logic as Ouma's sniffles became louder. "I-I won't let it happen! Or well, I can't!! You gotta stop it!" Ouma sniffled ceased as he played with Kaede's hair. "Like how? Do I gotta seduce him? Ah I know!! I'll show him my-"

"N-No!!" Kaede shouted as she smacked his hand from her hair. She stood, fumbling with her fingers as she thought of a solution. "Y-You should just..." She sighed, looking at the floor, "Tell him your genuine feelings. Not this fake act you put on to please everyone. Tell him everything if you wanna save your relationship" Kaede ended her statement by patting Ouma on the shoulder. Tears slipped from his eyes unknowingly to the boy. He grinned, giving a shaky thumbs up as he stood from the bed. "Th-Thanks Kaede! I'll be sure to give you advice when you finally decide to stop being a saint~" He teased, running from her room. Kaede groaned as she watched him leave, holding her head in her hands. "Jesus Christ why am I the one he comes to for this stuff..."

Ouma had wiped his tears away, stomping around the school grounds as he searched for Kiibo. He eventually did, finding  him talking to Iruma. He attempted to listen in without being noticed, but only heard a few lines about physical upgrades before being spotted. Kiibo huffed as Iruma greeted him. 

"What's up twink! Didn't think I'd see you tryna listen in on our oh-so private conversation~" She sung, wrapping an arm around Kiibo's neck as he filched, turning his head away as she pulled him to her chest. "Isn't he just the cutest little thing, askin for all these enhancements. Lookin for some compliments aren't you big guy!" She giggled as Kiibo pulled away quickly, shaking his head as a blush spread across his cheeks. "I-It's nothing like that!!" He  shouted, the two getting so caught up in their conversation that they didn't see Ouma's tears. Kiibo turned to him as he saw Ouma move to wipe his eyes in his peripheral vision. Iruma hummed, a confused look on her face before realizing the situation, or at least somewhat. She backed away, whispering a goodbye to Kiibo before walking off. 

After a moment of silence and Ouma rubbing at his eyes, Kiibo spoke. "Why are you crying? Have I upset you again...?" He sighed, clenching his fists. Ouma couldn't respond, he instead slowly stepped closer to Kiibo. Kiibo looked at him, waiting for him to speak. 

"I-I just..." He stuttered, uncovering his red eyes. Kiibo frowned at the sight, preferring his bright smile over the sad face the wore now. "I don't want you... T-To leave..." He pressed his forehead against Kiibo's shoulder, holding onto his arms to keep him from leaving. "I love you so much... You're so different. You say all the right things to me, you make me smile, you make me happy..." Ouma was having a hard time explaining his feelings, but he did his best. Ouma pulled away from Kiibo's shoulder, looking him in the eyes.

"No one is better than you. At least... To me, nothing is better... You aren't human, I know that but..." He trailed off, looking at the ground, "I love you more than I've ever loved any human before. Sorry if that's the wrong way of wording it..." Ouma sighed, letting go of Kiibos arms and letting his own drop to his sides. 

Kiibo stared at Ouma, tears forming in his teal eyes as a smile forced its way onto his lips. Kiibo wrapped his arms around Ouma, kissing his head as he attempted to lift his head by pressing his thumb and index finger under his chin. Ouma lifted his head, only to be met with a passionate kiss from his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry I said those things before..." Kiibo whispered, his lips barely touching Ouma's. Ouma giggled softly, shutting his eyes. "I don't care anymore. As long as you stay with me, I'll be a-ok~!" Kiibo grinned, pressing his hands against Ouma's cheeks as he pecked his lips again.

"I'm not going anywhere~!!"


"kaede what the fuck ouma and kiibo r making out in front of my house and now I can't get in i hate u" 

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