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Ouma watched nervously as his boyfriend went into what he called 'sleep mode'. Kiibo wouldn't respond, or move until regained his energy. It was slower than charging, but Ouma didn't want Kiibo to go back to Iruma's, leaving him alone. 

He played with Kiibo's limp hands, pouting as he pressed the robots palm against his cheek. "Oh Ouma your skin is just so soft~!" He mimicked Kiibo's kind words as he rubbed his cheek against Kiibo's hand. "Why thank you Kiibo~" He giggled, turning his attention to the buttons all over Kiibo's body. He knew to avoid the ones on his chest, they were 'emergency buttons'. So he dropped Kiibo's hand into his lap as he grabbed Kiibo's other arm, cautiously pressing one of the white buttons located on the side of his wrist. 

The smaller boy jumped as both of his hands started to vibrate. He whimpered, quickly kicking Kiibo's hand off of his lap. Ouma scooted away, blushing furiously as he covered his mouth. Kiibo's hands vibrated against the floor slowly. This was dirty, Kiibo for sure wouldn't appreciate any part of this! But maybe...

Ouma stared down at his already hard member, creating a tent in his pants. He swallowed before grabbing Kiibo's hand again and pressing it against himself. He moaned out, drool trailing down his chin as he whimpered. Kiibo could wake up at any time, he'd be so mad...

Ouma whined, feeling as if it wasn't consensual. He pressed the white button on Kiibo's wrist again, placing Kiibo's hand back onto the floor as he sat in front of Kiibo. He couldn't take it anymore, he needed to finish, it'd be quick. And if Kiibo doesn't like it, he'll just lie and say it wasn't anything dirty!

He unzipped his pants, kicking them off as he palmed himself though his boxers. He swallowed hard, whining to himself as he pulled his boxers off. He seriously couldn't wait any longer. Ouma pulled his cock out of his pants, whimpering as he pumped it at a fast pace. "K-Kiibo..." He moaned out, breathing heavily as he glanced up at his sleeping boyfriend with a submissive look. "W-Wake up already..." He pouted, still rubbing himself as he shut his eyes, falling onto his chest in front of Kiibo. 

He continued to pump himself, using the other hand to rub his inner thighs. He moaned loud, his knees being the only thing keeping him from collapsing. "K-Kiibo more...! P-Please..." He panted, moaning louder than before. "K-Kiibo I-I'm cumming...!" He choked out before releasing onto the bed, dropping from his knees, not even worrying about the cum getting on himself. 

Ouma laid there for awhile before hearing quiet, familliar giggles. He rolled onto his back, blushing darkly as he saw Kiibo, wide awake trying to silence his giggles with his hand. 

"Y'know, pushing buttons on my body wakes me up right?" He grinned nervously, petting his boyfriends head.

"W-Why didn't you help then?!" Ouma shouted, looking to the side as he pouted.

"Well, you just looked so cute, I didn't want to keep you from enjoying yourself..." He smiled, somehow innocently despite the perverted things he said.

"W-Well will you help now...?" Ouma huffed, sitting up and facing the robot.

"Mm, I'd be delighted!" He said in a cheerful tone. His features shifted to a much more lustful look as he pushed Ouma onto the bed. 

"You didn't make that big of a mess, if we're gonna wash these sheets, we gotta give reason to! Lets make a big mess!" He smirked, earning a embarrassed look from Ouma.

"J-Just shut up and do the vibrating thing again!!"




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