Chapter 8

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I don't own teen wolf.

Stiles pov

She was shaking.

" Sarah it's ok what's the problem "

" I might have nightmares again. I don't want to scare Joey and Tatum. I really don't feel good. Can we go home and I am cold "

" You won't. Ill be there and Yeah "

She looked so sad. But then relieved  "What's wrong "

" I just realize that. Nothing bad has happened ". Is she kidding right now she just lost her memory for week and half.

" Are you crazy ". " Just little. And I mean nothing supernatural "

"Oh yeah no. None of that " yet anyway. Always seems we say that and something happens.

" Yeah come on. Let's get you home "

She nodded

We walked out. Sam hugged her.

"Baby girl. " " Dad I am fine just cold"

"Yeah your like an ice cube . I love you"

" I know. I love you too. All of you "

" Derek take her out. Stiles I need to talk to you " deaton said

Derek walked out with her. Rest left as well. " She might be sick next couple days. Like fever or something "

" Ok. Do I give her anything"

" Just keep her at bay. Aren't you all taking your honeymoon. Finally this week "

" Yes. Cause. The hospital let her off and I got off. And Scott is keeping Joey and Isaac is keeping Tatum . I mean we just never got round to it till. Melissa and amy told us to "

" I know. And just watch ok "

" I will ". He nodded

I went out she was curled up in the passenger seat. I got in.

" Is Tatum and Joey at home "

" Yes Amy is with them "

She nodded. I put the heater on.

I back up and went home.

I helped her out she still so cold. We walked in Tatum was a asleep . Joey was almost shes twirling her hair.

Joey turn and looked she squealed and jumped up. Ran over

" Mom" Sarah picked her up

" Eeewy your wet ". " Yes I am. Ill go change then I come wacth rest ok pause it for me "

She nodded. Sarah put her down and went up.

Amy layed Tatum down. And hugged me and left.

Sarah came back down

Joey pov

I run up and hug her tight and say "do you remember? Is your brain fixed momma?" I smiled. " Yes I promise" I let go and I run up to Tate and punch him in the arm and was like "told Ya so" then I ran up to my room. "made you a picture while you where gone " and it is picture of her wolf

Tatum was sitting up holding his arm pouting. Little baby.

" Joey it's beautiful " she kissed my forhead.

" Momma I don't want to go aunt Cora's this week I just want to stay with you "

She sunk down to face to face with mine.

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