Good Morning!

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5:00 am
You have entered the chat room
You: Good Morning everybody!
Valt has entered the chat room

Valt: *yawn* Why're you up this early y/n?

Cuz I wanna be, dass why

Valt: Mm, ok

Valt: Who else is here?

BigBoss Honcho has entered the chat room

BigBoss Honcho: I am

Shu has entered the chat room

Shu: So am I

Daigo has entered the chat room

Daigo: Me too

You: Daigo!!

Daigo: Hey

BigBoss Honcho: Why don't ya seem happy t' see me?

You: Honcho!!

BigBoss Honcho: Hey!


Shu: Why?

You: Cuz I got summer homework brah

Daigo: Brah, really?

You: Yes, Brah. I said that cuz I felt like it

Valt: We all have summer homework Y/n

You: I know!! I'm sad fur all of us.

Shu: You have a typo

You: Nah, I don't. Did that on purpose

Shu: Oh, ok

Daigo: Y/n have you done any of your homework?

You: .....

You: .....

Daigo: I'm gonna take that as a no

You: I did some of it.

Daigo: Really? How much of it?

You: .....

You: .....

You have left the chat room

Daigo: Figured as much

Shu has left the chat room
BigBoss Honcho has left the chat room
Valt has left the chat room
Daigo has left the chat room

20 minutes later

You have entered the chat room

You: I've done half of it!


Daigo has entered the chat room

Daigo: Really? It took you 20 minutes to do half of it?

You: N-no! I been done half of it!!

Daigo: Yeah, sure

Daigo: I'm gonna go back to sleep now
it's 5:53


Daigo: Then go back to bed. I'm leaving, I'm tired.

You: Aww, ok. Bye, sweet dreams

Daigo: You too, see ya

Daigo has left the chat room
You have left the chat room

Textin' wit the Beyclub Daigo×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now